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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Funny Stuff

    Asta bate halatul lui Pole
  2. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    Earth and Fire - Memories
  3. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    Marie Laforet - Ivan, Boris et moi
  4. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    T℮rry Jacks - If You Go Away
  5. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    Doris Day - Que Sera Sera
  6. Oare o pune cineva botu' la asa muiala evidenta?
  7. Paul

    Sa ne traiasca sarbatoritii zilei !

    La multi ani Bogdan!
  8. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    Christophe - Maman
  9. Paul

    accidente ''spectaculoase'' culese de pe net

    Bogdan vrea sa-l incurce pe jeleu.
  10. Paul

    accidente ''spectaculoase'' culese de pe net

    Din ce parte incepe numaratoarea benzilor?
  11. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    Yello - Lost Again
  12. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    Sparks - This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us
  13. Paul

    Telefoane, tablete si alte gadget-uri.

    Pai daca era evident de ce te mai miri?! Cand se strica acumulatorul isi modifica parametrii si capacitatea ramasa nu mai poate fi estimata corect. Desi estimarea spune ca ar mai avea capacitate 15% cat spui tu, el de fapt nu o mai are. Ca urmare ti se pare ca se descarca brusc. Dar de fapt el nu mai avea capacitatea aceea.
  14. Paul

    Telefoane, tablete si alte gadget-uri.

    Nu are nici o treaba cu statul permanent la incarcat. Pur si simplu s-a dus acumulatorul si trebuie inlocuit. Asa se manifesta cand se strica.
  15. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    Nazareth - Love Hurts
  16. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    The Box Tops - The Letter
  17. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    The Hho - Happy Jack
  18. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    Moody Blues - Melancholy Man
  19. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    Princess Chelsea - Too Fast To Live Please don't drink so much
  20. Paul

    Telefoane, tablete si alte gadget-uri.

    Sunt mai ieftine in Romania: 3500 si 3900 lei. http://altex.ro/precomanda-samsung-galaxy-s8?utm_source=ALTEX&utm_campaign=48f34b5655-NL_precomanda_samsung_30_03_2017&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_15f7e89292-48f34b5655-114740345&ct=t(NL_precomanda_samsung_30_03_2017)&goal=0_15f7e89292-48f34b5655-114740345&mc_cid=48f34b5655&mc_eid=af8ca329a3
  21. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    remember Chuck Berry No Particular Place To Go You Never Can Tell (C'est la vie) It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell, "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell They furnished off an apartment with a two room Roebuck sale The coolerator was crammed with TV dinners and ginger ale, But when Pierre found work, the little money comin' worked out well "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell They had a hi-fi phono, boy, did they let it blast Seven hundred little records, all rock, rhythm and jazz But when the sun went down, the rapid tempo of the music fell "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell They bought a souped-up jitney, 'twas a cherry red '53, They drove it down to Orleans to celebrate the anniversary It was there that Pierre was married to the lovely mademoiselle "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell
  22. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    The Tremeloes - Yellow River
  23. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    Yardbirds - Still I'm Sad
  24. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    Zager and Evans - In the year 2525
  25. Paul

    Tonomatul iBMW

    King Crimson - Epitaph

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