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Posts posted by Krebs

  1. Nu conteaza ca se uita sau nu in 4k, ideea este ca nu pot eu sa mai joc in fullhd ca sa scot fullhd in youtube cu o placa de captura hd , este mega enervant pt ochi.. si nu vad de ce as renunta la 4k + HDR , am incercat in fullhd si nu ma mai pot intoarce in timp..asa joc in 4k si am voie si sa fac stream 4k ,astfel exista o calitatea a imaginii oferite buna si iti poti alege ca utilizator la ce rezolutie sa vezi streamul..

    le-am dat mail alora de la elgato.. au fost mega evazivi si habarnisti..

    "I want to know if you will give soon a new update for elgato 4k60pro that include HDR passthrough or in the next future you will have a new variant for this 4k60pro on the market.. or should I just go and buy avermedia live gamer 4k  which is less expensive ?!

    I don't know what to buy for the moment.."

    raspuns :


    "Thank you for contacting Elgato Systems. 

    Thank you for your suggestion, I will forward this through the appropriate channels, so it could possibly be implemented in future releases! 

    As for what our development team is working on I have no idea. We in tech support are told what is in the pipeline until it is released.

    If you have any other concerns or recommendations feel free to contact us.

    Bruce A 

    Elgato Systems Technical Support"

  2. Big Papa a fost mai sus decat 2pac ca si artist, desi  au ajuns vedete din cauza disputei lor si pana si coastele ( vest si est ) au inceput sa se dusmaneasca tot din cauza lor.
    Cand a fost impuscat prima data 2pac , Notorius a dat-o frumos cu piesa how shoot ya , oricum cred ca puff dady sau king i-a rezolvat pe amandoi :)

    misto si tributurile aduse pt ei de fiecare parte sustinatoare :



    desigur Snoop e cel mai profund , insa si piesa cu Puff exprima destul.





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