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lol, zici ca-i ciupala cu domnu' macara :sorcerer:

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omu macara de la Ciupanezu, zici ca-i negrul din Green Mile, n-ai vazut asa ceva, bine, mult mai gras.

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se misca incet, ca e imens, ca macaraua, dar daca te-a prins, ai belit ..., practic de striveste, faci ca modelino.

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lol, dalai lama are chiloti pe placu' lu' MAS. 

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lol ma paiuyt am vazut clipul asta, dar nu il mai gaseam



super forta e popa ala

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lol ma paiuyt am vazut clipul asta, dar nu il mai gaseam



super forta e popa ala




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Cam asa si e in Pipera. Vai de ... lor de fraieri ca au dat carute de bani sa stea acolo.

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:)))))))))))))))))))))) si acum rad :))))))


Soluție finala in Dosarul Flota! Basescu achitat, Voiculescu a mai primit 5 ani de pușcărie.



Edited by claudiusnc

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