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Funny Stuff

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aim in :sorcerer:


Funny. Edited by RareÈ™

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Absolut genial clipul




Lasati orice speranta voi care intrati aici

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Da, dar nu atat de bine ca tine


Ma descurc in engleza, nu stralucesc

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All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Edited by Bogdan

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Ia tot bordu plus frecventa de la radio, ca bordu e doar pana la 240.

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vad ca MAS nu e singuru'.....sarb.

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Cred ca tre sa il invitam pe asta cu 500 de cai pe forum. Sa il mai potoleasca un pic pe MAS, sa ii arate who's the daddy.

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cum plm sa minti cu asa tupeu ? bai nene, astora nu le e frica ca-i baga vreun nebun in spital ?


plm, 550 de cai, 300 la ora, suta in 3 secunde.


am sunat eu mai devreme, cica nu e proprietarul acum disponibil, sa sun in 30 de minute, ca intrebasem cum de are 320i-ul ala 550 de cai, sa-mi dea detalii.

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