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am vazut una in zbor, mai de departe. eram cu un nene in masina si l-am intrebat daca-i uliu.


mi-a zis "e bufnita, ma. tu chiar habar n-ai?"


de unde dracu era sa stiu.

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e vrajeala, o sa zica blue, se preface ca sa stea pe banii statului, rapandula.

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animalul asta mi se pare fascinant. dupa el au botezat si motocicleta :)


culmea e ca pasarea e mai rapida.



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Ce e cel mai tare in afara de clipul cu laba mecanica sunt comentariile despre francezi:


@superstarelkgrove I have a bit of French heritage, but 2 good lines: For sale French military rifle: Never been shot, only dropped once. For sale: French tank: Never driven foward.
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c95_1416256401#3DZxsIk1zXVusq2j.99


Did you know the toothbrush was invented by the French?

If it had been invented by anyone else it would have been called the Teethbrush.
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c95_1416256401#3DZxsIk1zXVusq2j.99


An Italian father goes into his basement and sees his son jerking off and says "Hey Gesippi, you the most hansomest man in town, you no need to do that, get a girl". So Gesippi finds a girl falls in love and marries her. Two weeks later the father finds the son in the basement jerking off again and he says "Whats a the problem you got a beautiful wifa now? Guisippi says "But Papa, her arm gets a so tired"

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c95_1416256401#3DZxsIk1zXVusq2j.99

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ai de plm, deci ala practic si-a luat palme-n cap timp de 7 minute, noroc ca n-are cum sa ajunga mai prost de atat.

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Similea are caine din asta. Ii sperie toti pestii, de asta nu prinde el nimic. 

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