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Raresiutz, indiferent ca se coboara sau ba geamurile din spate ale unei masini e irelevant. E9 e beton, punct.


Cate placute de frana are E9-le?

Edited by jeezy

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Jeezy are un umor chinezesc, cel putin asa imi imaginez eu umorul chinezesc.

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Jeezy are un umor chinezesc, cel putin asa imi imaginez eu umorul chinezesc.

Gay asian dude humour. Edited by Bogdan
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Jeezy are un umor chinezesc, cel putin asa imi imaginez eu umorul chinezesc.


mda, sau nord coreean. 

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pai tu ai ras la vreo gluma de-a lui?

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Deci Cizi e ghei comunist si unfunny

Edited by MAS

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Ciupa e ghei, cizi doar unfunny

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Blue e suparat ca n-am zis de el ca e rebel.

OK, blue, esti un hater rebel. Multumit acum?

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Ciupa e ghei

Si eu de ce aflu abia acum?! :(

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eu nu prea inteleg GT-urile astea.

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Is foarte mari in spate, inclusiv la portbagaj. Intr-un 3 gt incap si tavalit, in spate :)

Iar 5-u este imens.

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3GT ul imi place, 5-u nu. 

E foarte practic un GT, daca treci peste faptul ca e urat in partea din spate.

Place si 6GT, parca aduce a Panamera din lateral-spate. Dar as prefera Panamera oricand :))

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Panamera e favorita mea, de departe. Ciudat, nu m-am gandit la masina aia ca la un GT.

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nu m-am gandit la masina aia ca la un GT.

de aia-ti place

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mie tot imi place panarama aia si tot consider ca-s hade rau GT-urile de la bmw

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plm, cine mai are bani in ziua de azi? :(



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