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ca yeti aici 


misto bicicleta aia, dar cred ca dispare mai repede ca penalii in costa rica 

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Movul ala e ca la bmw individualul insa vad ca pe bicicleta e tolerabil :lol:

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Edited by Scufi

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pfff, ce interior sa-mi trag palme.

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ma tu zici ca ai actiuni la toyota de tot impingi cu lexusu' asta :P

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Hai ca e scula si Toyota,ce sa mai...



Am fost pasager intr un auris ,pff ce mi a plăcut,materiale solide bai nene,de bun gust,si motoru ceas pe autobahn la 170



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imi pare rau, arata ca un peste cu gura deschisa.





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da si eu as plusa pe lexus d-as avea malaies 

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ia astamparati-va bre. si sustineti economia europei.


oricum nu stie nici dracu ce e aia si va treziti cu unul care va intreaba daca e vreun hyundai scump. as muri acolo.


mercedes, bmw sau audi.


inventati voi noi variante de a urca pe scara sociala.



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much lady, very classy.

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La masinile astea scumpe, se dau km inapoi?


Adica S class maybach 2017 cu 160.000 km reali verificabili? 

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Are si eoliana, 1 cal putere, ferestrele alea arata de parca sunt niste panouri solare homemade. 

E grava. Plus ca e galateana*.

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Da, l-am intalnit si eu de cateva ori. Are si muzica, apropo

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Edited by F&F

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Da, genu` de masina de care nu voi avea bani niciodata.

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gud, scade pretul la F15 de-l vreau io.

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11 minutes ago, Pole said:

gud, scade pretul la F15 de-l vreau io.

Ne luam, se stie! :lol:

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clar boss, alb sau negru? mi as lua alb, cocalaris gen.


sau gri din ala smecher, deep grey nu stiu cum ii zice.

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Da Cefi, space grey ne luam, s-a cantat linie:




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