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substanta activa din medicamentele branduite sa zic asa. 

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ah deci aceeasi chestie.

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             Nurofen (58 lei) – Ibuprofen (23 lei)

             Panadol (55 lei) – Paracetamol ( 3 lei)


             Clacid (205 lei) – Claritromicina ( 51 lei)

             Omez (54 lei) – Omeprazole ( 15 lei)

Nurofen si Panadol sunt tot undeva la 20 lei!


Combinatia Klacid SR + Omez am servit saptamana trecuta 7 zile -parca 80 de lei amandoua!


Preturile la primele sunt umflate bine.

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e ca curu' acicloviru' ala

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ah plm, n-am avut niciodata herpes.

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Movalis e 17 lei fiola nu 38 lei. Stiu sigur ca le iau de o saptamana. Chiar ieri am mai luat cateva sa imi ajunga.

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Bine ca n-am habar ce plm sunt toate astea.

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N-am facut i-o preturile. Nu prea am luat medicamentoase. L-am preluat fara sa  verific. 

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Jeremy Clarkson a fost suspendat de către BBC? Azi.

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Intr-un fel ma bucur, nu am putut sa-l suport pe omul asta. 

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Sunt sigur ca o sa revina.


Ala aduce foarte multi bani pentru BBC. Top Gear-ul e amuzant in mare parte din cauza lui.

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Ceee ? Cum plm sa l suspende pe clarkson, de ce?

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Acu citeam si io.


Nu cred ca e manevra, ala nu e sanatos la cap. Vad ca au anulat si show ul pe termen nelimitat, inclusiv episodul de duminica


UPDATE: According to the latest news coming out of the UK, Jeremy Clarkson was suspended after throwing a punch at a male producer. The incident happened a week ago, but wasn't initially reported, and as soon as it was, Clarkson's suspension was handed down. The final three episodes of Top Gear Season 22 are on indefinite hold.


If you were looking forward to watching the latest episode of Top Gear this Sunday, we're afraid we've got some bad news.


Apparently the episode won't air next week after Jeremy Clarkson has been suspended by the BBC. According to the statement below released by the company, Clarkson "has been suspended pending an investigation" related to a "fracas with a BBC producer."


Now for those of us Yanks unfamiliar with what the term "fracas" actually means, Merriam-Webster defines it as a "noisy argument or fight." Whether that means Clarkson actually got physical with one of his superiors or underlings (a "producer" really could be either), or simply got into a heated verbal argument, we don't know, and the BBC isn't saying.


According to the network, "no one else has been suspended," apparently including the producer with which Clarkson was quarreling. We'll bring you more as soon as it's available, so watch this space.

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sau e manevra sa creasca audienta

nu e, totusi bbc e televiziune de stat si nu vad cum si-ar creste audienta daca ala e suspendat

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