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Strângi bani pentru cealaltă jumătate?

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oricum, cel mai boss like nose pick ever.

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bai Similea, ce dracu ba ? si io mai tampit ca m-am uitat... n-am dus mai mult de 1 minut jumate.

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nici eu n-am putut sa-l urmaresc

se referea, asa cum am aratat, la nivelul uman - cei filmati chinuindu-le inutil

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Efectiv nu pot sa ma apţin sa fac cele mai ieftine poante dar sa rad ca un dement cand mi-i inchipui pe alde Ciupa si Dy'l 2 certandu-se pe internet?



Călcâiu lu Ahile, is dependent. Ciupala si Dildău, Bălănel si Miaunel

Subectu il bate si pe alde kolea

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da ma, stiu. ideea e despre si cu umanitate




"Walid Alali This documentary is purposely made to convince people to become vegetarians and stop eating meat. Do not just believe what you see without fact checking. What you have seen in this film does not represent the U.S meat industry. There has been incidences in the past where farmers mistreated animals. Those farmers have been prosecuted by the U.S. courts. There are many many animal right groups and laws in the U.S. that regulate animal welfare. All the meat production facilities go through audits to make sure they are killing and processing animals humanly. I have been working in U.S. agriculture for 14 years and never seen or heard of such animal mistreatment. There are many lies and inaccurate statements in this film. Islam wa Alhamdulliah teach us to be kind to animals, teaches us how to slaughter animals, and never hurt animals. That being said, I have seen animal production facilities in Muslim countries where no laws and regulations exists to protect animal rights!! "

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Știați că asta e deja a 3a melodie consecutiva cu Depeche Mode pe ProFM Gold?

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well, nici eu. nus' de ce.  acu' o sa se supere calin.. :(


la fel cu queen, de fapt p'aia chiar nu-i suport.  is constient de valoarea lor, da' bag pla daca pot s-ascult vreo melodie de la ei.

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aoleo da, uitasem de astia, ABBA  e moartea.

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The Kelly Family, preferații lui Similea.

A, și Boney M.


Depeche Mode din nou.


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Am faianţa strâmba-n baie :(


Aismen asa are dintii. 

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Nu'ÅŸ cum dracu am incaput in cada, deci nu mai pot sa inclin nimic, doar sa ma uit in sus





Imi comand duÅŸ

Chiar ca :D

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