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De remarcat ca e asa fara 'roids. All  natural, baby! Doar salata din gradina ursului.

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pai nu:


Deși par monștrii, taurii nu sunt dopați cu steroizi ci doar li se modifică genele astfel încât masa musculară să crească foarte mult.

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Tot testosteron inseamna.


Same shit. 

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Cred ca scoti un T Bone steak de 6 kile din ala :)

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tot tacamul fara ce vrea mas :lol:


desi forma satelitilor l-ar inspira

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Surpriza lui va fi cand va da drumul la sistem...are o inregistrare in exclusivitate cu mine :wub:

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ce entitate exoftalmica dubioasa si creepy.

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Ce om....asa vorbesti despre mine? :(

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pai tu nu esti exoftalmic.

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Deoarece nu am, momentan, acces la net, rog pe un binevoitor sa verifice dacă "exoftalmic" e cuvântul zilei pe dexonline.ro

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N-ai fost cuminte si uite cum ai ramas fara telefon.


Vezi sa n-ai si vreun keylogger prin pc.

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Da, nasol. Am inteles ca se va da publicitatii si toata povestea, detaliat, de la ce s-au luat si cum a ajuns sa-i futa la fatalaul ala un pumn in gura.

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Plm, emisiunea nu o sa mai aiba acelasi farmec.


Este cum s-a intamplat cu 2 and a half men, a plecat Charlie si...s-a dus pe pulla filmul.

Edited by claudiusnc

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Asta e raportul oficial BBC


r2pxxartcorj4rg1nn85.jpgsi declaratia directorului general BBC:




It is with great regret that I have told Jeremy Clarkson today that the BBC will not be renewing his contract. It is not a decision I have taken lightly. I have done so only after a very careful consideration of the facts and after personally meeting both Jeremy and Oisin Tymon. 

I am grateful to Ken MacQuarrie for the thorough way he has conducted an investigation of the incident on 4th March. Given the obvious and very genuine public interest in this I am publishing the findings of his report. I take no pleasure in doing so. I am only making them public so people can better understand the background. I know how popular the programme is and I also know that this decision will divide opinion. The main facts are not disputed by those involved.

I want to make three points.

First – The BBC is a broad church. Our strength in many ways lies in that diversity. We need distinctive and different voices but they cannot come at any price. Common to all at the BBC have to be standards of decency and respect. I cannot condone what has happened on this occasion. A member of staff – who is a completely innocent party – took himself to Accident and Emergency after a physical altercation accompanied by sustained and prolonged verbal abuse of an extreme nature. For me a line has been crossed. There cannot be one rule for one and one rule for another dictated by either rank, or public relations and commercial considerations.

Second – This has obviously been difficult for everyone involved but in particular for Oisin. I want to make clear that no blame attaches to him for this incident. He has behaved with huge integrity throughout. As a senior producer at the BBC he will continue to have an important role within the organisation in the future.

Third – Obviously none of us wanted to find ourselves in this position. This decision should in no way detract from the extraordinary contribution that Jeremy Clarkson has made to the BBC. I have always personally been a great fan of his work and Top Gear. Jeremy is a huge talent. He may be leaving the BBC but I am sure he will continue to entertain, challenge and amuse audiences for many years to come.

The BBC must now look to renew Top Gear for 2016. This will be a big challenge and there is no point in pretending otherwise. I have asked Kim Shillinglaw to look at how best we might take this forward over the coming months. I have also asked her to look at how we put out the last programmes in the current series. 

Edited by thesaw

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da, am citit alea si nush ce declaratie a lui Morgan Piers, pe care l-a pocnit asta mai demult. Oricum, din cate reiese Clarkson este un adevarat alcoolic, cu o gramada de probleme personale, iar a divortat si nush ce alte cacaturi, iar la cum arata burta aia umflata asa, ca la Cristian Minculescu, probabil si vreo ciroza hepatica. Oricum, mie imi place de el, ma rog, show-ul lui.


In sfarsit, ala Oisin, un fatalau belit. mare chestie pana la urma, se bat astia pe platourile de filmare peste tot, Russel Crowe de exemplu deja are caiet cred, se bate mereu cu cate cineva din echipa si nu face nimeni vreo tragedie.


Parerea mea este ca a provocat scandalul, sau cel putin l-a intretinut, special sa isi ia pumn in gura si apoi sa stoarca bani de la bbc.


iar astia de la BBC sa suga ... cu deontologia profesionala, au avut in echipa, prezentator la BBC, timp de 20 sau 30 de ani un pedofil imputit, cu 170 de victime la activ, pe care l-au acoperit pana in ultima clipa, s-a aflat totul abia dupa ce a murit si este vorba de Jimmy Savile


de fapt vad ca 450 de plangeri au fost facute impotriva lui



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ce fata are mumia aia sifilitica de pedofil si cica mai e si sir

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