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poti sa imi faci share si asa, chair daca nu am volan, sunt curios cum e...:) dar nu azi ca am o zi de cacat si n-am chef de nimic.

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O sa-mi iau. 


aoleo , sa ma pregatesc mai bine atunci :D

poti sa imi faci share si asa, chair daca nu am volan, sunt curios cum e... :) dar nu azi ca am o zi de cacat si n-am chef de nimic.


pole, cand vrei tu :)


doar ca o sa vezi jocul in 720p , nu in 1080p la 60fps (ca sa simti si viteza, ca pe youtube..360p si 25-30 fps maxim)

Edited by Krebs

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In principal imi iau pentru Assasin's Creed. :)

Dar normal ca o sa joc toate tampeniile.

Edited by Bogdan

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cursele astea sunt cele mai grele , noaptea plus zapada/ploaie


pe clipul asta poti sa-i dai Full Hd (selectezi 1080p din rotita) ca sa vezi cum arata defapt jocul :D

Edited by Krebs

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De unde plm l ai cumparat ???????!??!??!!?

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stai bre, nu te impacienta , un prieten l-a luat (nu e din tara) , am zis ca deja se-ntampla ... :D


noi mai stam cel putin o saptamana pana sa punem mana pe el , in plus , huo mercedes ! :D

am jucat aseara BF4 impotriva unor clanuri , bai frate.. ne-au rupt cateva partide dupa care..iadu' :D a fost si mai amuzant ca eram la gramada in party (adica desi jucam impotriva lor mai ne-am si nimerit intr-un party cu mu*t la killuri si d-astea) ..


numai romanii joaca impotriva lor.. 

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Ah, n-am mai vazut mercedesu', doar jocu si am sarit de pe canapea ca ars :D


eu nu mai pot intra pe online, ca to nu am cont de ps+, adica tot nu s-a rezolvat problema, nu stiu ce as putea sa mai fac, decat eventual alt cont nou si pierd tot progresul meu, toate trofeele si etc.


dar in plm, am si abii luati pe ps+ abonament un an, plus inca 3 luni cand a platit ca boul nestind ca sunt banat.

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ti-am zis..nu pierzi nimic ca progres (doar bani), faci cont nou cu ps plus dar joci de pe cel actual , doar trebuie sa activezi pe consola noul cont ca primar (ca sa ai psplus) si mai apoi te loghezi cu theron si joci de pe el, simplu.

ti-am zis ca atunci iti mergea MP-ul ca au dat astia gratis niste zile.

e pacat sa nu ai MP-ul activ, la dying light de exemplu poti sa joci ca zombie in mp.

Edited by Krebs

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am zis ca-i ultimu' dar prea m-am amuzat aici :)))


i-am terorizat cu antiaeriana aici =))



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Eu abia m-am invatat cu controlerul, insa imi iau omor pe cel mai slab nivel dintre slabi.

Deci sunt varza.

Momentan inca joc Call of duty si Diablo III.

La Diablo, am ajuns la un nivel in care trebuie sa il omor pe Mathias ala, diavolul p ulii si nu pot sa trec de el.


Insa imi place. M-as juca nonstop, dar timpul nu imi permite decat cateva ore seara si nici alea zilnic.

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diablo 3 se joaca fain in mai multi si pe dificultate mai grea, maxim poti juca 4 (chiar si local, nu e nevoie neaparat de online)

cand am pus eu prima oara controllerul de xbox360 in mana si am pornit Gear of War (exclusiv xbox) deci un shooter , pai nu intelegem cum dracu sa poti tinti cu un controller si mai ales simteam lipsa mouseului , acum pare destul de natural , chiar mi se pare mai ciudat cu mouseul ..deci tine de obisnuinta (conteaza foarte mult sa-ti setezi sensivitatea la aim cat mai mica la inceput si mai apoi o tot cresti si incepi sa te misti din ce in ce mai bine)

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La shooter a fost cel mai greu, cred ca acolo te inveti cu el.

Apoi am trecut la Diablo unde este mai usor.

Ma rog, nici la Call of Duty nu stau mai grozav, acum trebuie sa il prind pe Kevin Spacey intr-o faza unde imi scapa mereu, ca un bleg ce sunt. :lol:

O s abag ceva in seara asta, ca nu m-am mai jucat de vreo 4 zile.

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A pai esti la sfarsit inseamna, acolo unde fugi in cladire dupa el ?

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pai trebie doar sa fugi dupa el... oricum, e ridocol de scurta si usoara campania la Advanced Warfare, eu am fost dezamagit.

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fain, fain, fain




10 min gameplay
"One of the polish sites stated that it was running on :
Intel Core i7-4790 
GeForce GTX 980 4GB GDDR5 
120GB SSD 
Windows 8.1 64-bit 
and that it was about 30 frames, with drops. 
He doesn't believe that one single card will max it out and with lower quality tech you will most likely play on low/medium at most.
the average PC (any Core i3 or Core i5 plus GTX 660 / HD 7870) is unlikely to allow for the inclusion of high or even medium-sized parts. I do not believe in miracles.-16 dlc-uri gratuite "
" More translated goodies from Q&A interview (from german)
Translation (minus Quest/Spoilers)
-breast physics
-USK 18 rating (W2 got 16). They think due to graphic finishing moves.
-260 designers worked on W3, compared to 5 in W2.
-Save game import for PC only.
-Can talk about important decisions from previous game with barber.
-Played W3 on all 3 platforms. PC: i7-4790, ASRock Z97, 8 GB RAM, GTX 980 4 GB and a SSD.
-Ultra setting still disabled. Not optimized yet. PC was set to high.
-PC has better shaders, textures, more colorful and better AA compared to consoleds.
-Grass and similar detail pops in ~5m on consoles. Double that on PC.
-PS4>X1. PS4 textures blurrier than PC high.
-PS4 runs at 1080p30
-XB1 runs at 900p30, slightly blurrier than PS4.
-Still looks great on any platform.
-German localisation fine, but English has better characterisation
-Population doesn't react to theft at all (yet)
-Impressivly realistic weather effects, especially storms.
-gamepad controls only for now. M+K controls unfinished.
-special modus like batman
-under water controls needs getting used to, with janky camera.
-Oponent AI sometimes blacks out.
-Fluid combat animations.
-Counter-timing is important.
-meditation heals Geralt.
-4 talent trees: Combat, Signs, Alchemy and General.
-Igni can be upgraded to damage armor
-Alternative mode upgrade for every sign,
- e.g. all around shockwave for Agni, Ffame beam for Igni, Thought control for Axi.
- Time slow upgrade for Alchemy
- HP upgrade or faster healing under General
- Limited slots for selected talents, including passives. From 3 to 12. Can mutate 3 of those.
- Time limits for decision making (e.g 10 seconds to decide to take gold or not).
- Thanks CD Project for delay to polish the game (e.g diving controls and AI)
- Game feels gigantic
- cobat system still a bit imprecise, "witcher view" worn thin.
- Game world looks like a game world should. Satisfactory enough for me." 
+ 16 dlc-uri gratuite oferite de CDPR.


-breast physics





Edited by Krebs

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Deci nu e de ajuns un gtx 980.


Astia le fac in duşmănie mai nou.

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