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Sfaturi masini puse la vanzare in tara si nu numai

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Scufi, tu poți sa-i întrebi de ce are cauciucurile de pe spate cat alea din fața.


I-un miracol oricum.

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ba ej nebun, deci astia vor sa platesti suma integral intr-un cont indicat de ei, si apoi e pe pricipiul "iti trimitem noi masina boss, nu-i problem"




After receiving the contract of sale, the customer must sign it and send payment to the company bank account indicated in the Invoice. Payment must be completed and confirmed within 48 hours from the time he received the Invoice.


The delivery procedure and the documents required for the transfer of ownership are prepared only after the customer’s payment is confirmed by our bank. Document preparation will take between 7-10 working days and the delivery procedure will take between 2-6 days, depending on the location of delivery.

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vor sa descarc de pe stie nush ce agrement si factura, insa nu as descarca nimic in laptop, sunt prea suspecti si poate ma trezesc cu vreun virus sau ceva dubios si imi fura parole sau cine stie stie ce alte info.

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Credeam ca le-am auzit pe toate

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stai ca le-a dat reply si le-am zis ca pot veni personal maine la ei la birou si daca masina este ok, actele sunt ok, le fac transfer la fata locului cu suma ceruta de pe mobile banking, astept sa le intre banii, facem actele, luam numere provizorii si plec cu ea pe roti inapoi la bucuresti.

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stai ca le-a dat reply si le-am zis ca pot veni personal maine la ei la birou si daca masina este ok, actele sunt ok, le fac transfer la fata locului cu suma ceruta de pe mobile banking, astept sa le intre banii, facem actele, luam numere provizorii si plec cu ea pe roti inapoi la bucuresti.


e misto ca ti-l dau pdf, il poti da inapoi cu surprize, mai ales ca ii poti pune semnatura digitala, adorabil 

Edited by Scufi

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stai ca le-a dat reply si le-am zis ca pot veni personal maine la ei la birou si daca masina este ok, actele sunt ok, le fac transfer la fata locului cu suma ceruta de pe mobile banking, astept sa le intre banii, facem actele, luam numere provizorii si plec cu ea pe roti inapoi la bucuresti.





Dear Customer, 

Unfortunately you can not see the car because all the cars that are listed on our website are NOT in our custody right now. They are in Banks/Lease Company custody.
This vehicles are sold directly by the Bank/Lease Company through our platform. Sale and export documents are prepared directly by the bank that owns the vehicle. Also, selling prices are imposed by the Bank/Lease Company (that is why they are cheaper) and we only earn a commission from the transaction for making our platform available to them.
The cars listed on our website are in perfect condition. No accident reports, no damage whatsoever, and no mechanical failures reported. The prices listed on the site are the selling price. No leasing. You can buy it with BUT IT NOW option.Our web sites has ONLY cars for sale that belong to Banks, Credit Unions and Lease Companies.
We are proud to say that we have the best price on market. Most Internet businesses on the web are actually Car Dealers that have a few low price cars to lure buyers to view their real inventory.
Bank/Lease Company vehicles are not available for testing before purchase and they can only be bought on-line. A Bank/Lease Company vehicle is available for pick up in about 2-3 working days from the time when payment is confirmed. That is because to import such a vehicle you will need COC (European certificate of conformity), FAHRZEUGSCHEIN (non-gage certificate that confirms there are no liens or debt on the car), FAHRZEUGBRIEF (German registration document), VERTRAG (German sales contract), Zoll numbers (German export license plates valid 30 days) and insurance for the vehicle. All those documents are prepared directly by the Bank/Lease Company that owns the vehicle.
This are 5 easy steps how to buy cars from us:
1. First of all you need to download the "Written Authorization for Purchase", complete it, sign it, and send it to us along with a copy of your ID or Passport.
2. We will send the Payment Invoice and you have 48 hours to complete the payment. Payment will be done by bank wire transfer.
3. We will receive your money and send it to the Bank/Lease Company that own the car. We will pay the dept for it.
4. After the Bank/Lease Company received the money we can take the car in our custody.
5. We prepare all the documents that you need to register the car on your name and start the shipping procedure and in 5-7 days you will receive the car at your location or you can come and pick it up from our office. After you will receive the car you will have 48 hours to check the car in a limit of 250 Km. In this period of 48 hours you can refuse the car if you don't agree with car condition, and you will receive money back.

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Oare o pune cineva botu' la asa muiala evidenta?

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O cati bani s-au făcut asa



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Avand in vedere ca exact asta e o normalitate dincolo, normal ca multi pun botul, pentru ca nu e prima oara cand au cumparat o masina in felul asta.


Eu inca si acum mai cumpar masini asa, banii integral in avans si apoi trimit platforma. Dar macar stiu de unde cumpar, ca am mai cumparat.

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Dar tu cumperi de la firme cu vechime si reputatie, aici e diferenta. Nu cred ca "am mai cumparat de la ei" e singurul factor.

Edited by jeezy

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Faza asta cu cumpăratul online, achitat integral în avans și trimis cu platforma îmi aduce aminte de pățaniile lui Simi atunci când și-a cumpărat moto de pe ceva site din Olanda.

Edited by Rareș

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Zero păţanii. Foarte seriosi olandezii.


Chiar ii recomand.

Si da, Rares, a fost Domi pentru mine 300 de km sa vada motocicleta, inainte de avans si plata. Se pare ca unii chiar tin la mine.


Domi 4evă

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Nu țineam minte dacă ai avut probleme cu ei sau nu și mi-era jenă sa te întreb.

De fapt nu jenă, dar nu știam dacă o sa răspunzi serios dacă te-aș fi întrebat.

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Se pare ca unii chiar tin la mine.


Se pare. Ai dreptate.


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Daca era Kip aici ar fi spus sa nu ne faci cunostinta :)

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La euro 4 nu prea conteaza DPF-ul la masuratoarea gazelor, au fost motoare si cu si fara. Caz concret, M47 de pe E90. Probabil sunt multe alte exemple.


Baiul e la scos catalizatoare si EGR.

Edited by jeezy

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