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Sfaturi masini puse la vanzare in tara si nu numai

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Mercedesu a fost a lu' Adameasca,de la Unirea,mai avea si un Range,vinde tot ca e n proces cu fi su vitreg si o mananca avocatii


AVA avea la toate masinile

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Nu tu, altcineva :))


p.s. prefer manuala. Bine, prefer sa fie benzina, dar plm, zici ca ai cauta aur

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pai franeaza daca esti pe cruise control si ala din fata franeaza.

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aaa ok, am inteles pai d-asta simplu am si eu, de fapt cred ca toate cu cruise control au la fel, credeam ca e ala de franeaza automat daca iti face un prost brake check in fata.

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mi ar placea un emergency brake din asta, azi iar era s o pocnesc in curu unuia ca eram cu ochii in plopi, cautam o adresa.

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Dotarea respectiva e trecuta drept collision warning in user manual.


Collision warning The concept If the vehicle does not include Active Cruise Control with Stop & Go, the collision warning is controlled via the camera in the base of the in‐ terior rearview mirror. The system issues a two-phase warning of a danger of collision at speeds above approx. 10 mph/15 km/h. The time of these warnings may vary depending on the current driving sit‐ uation. In the process, vehicles in a similar direction of movement are observed if they are located within the detection range of the system. When the vehicle is intentionally brought into contact with a vehicle, the collision warning is delayed to avoid false warnings. Warning stages Prewarning This warning is issued, for example, when there is the impending danger of a collision or the dis‐ tance to the vehicle ahead is too small. Acute warning Warning of the imminent danger of a collision when the vehicle approaches another vehicle at a relatively high differential speed.

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Mazda mea are o chestie numita SCBS smart city brake system. Franeaza singura dacă detectează obstacol în față (activa doar pana la viteze de 30kmh) sau dacă detectează obstacol în spate (activă doar pana la viteze de 8kmh).

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E foarte ok collision warning.

Te atentioneaza si noaptea cand se baga cel din fata putin pe banda ta sau cand taie curba.Functioneaza foarte bine si pe autostrada ca nu te lasa sa te apropii foarte mult de cel din fata.

Legat de masina:

2013 fara xenon?

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Cred ca 70% nu au xenon din ce am gasit pe autovit pana-n 13 -14k euro

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nush, ca sa n-arate ca o masina castigata la un concurs pe kudika.ro de exemplu.

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bai, e o masina misto. nu poti spune ca e ceva comun

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plm, rara cred ca e si o dacia 1100 sau o skoda 742 plm.

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aha. si o masina de exceptie ce ar fi? 

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omg, bani sa am si te as invita in garajul meu sa iti arat :( bine sigur o s o intorci uber gay, dar mno...

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omg, bani sa am si te as invita in garajul meu sa iti arat :( bine sigur o s o intorci uber gay, dar mno...

zi o idee, ceva

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io mi as lua un pod jegos din ala prin centru, da' nu la banii aia.  

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Acum am eu in lucru ceva de genul. Dar are 303 mp. Nu a costat nimic, in schimbul lui s a angajat beneficiarul sa refaca toata fațada si acoperisul cladirii respective. Bine, asta o sa coste, dar e partea a doua.

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sau iti iei o mansarda creepy in Cluj  :wub:

cu un gizi in ea? 

dar neaparat sa fie jegoasa, ca stii ce preferinte are mititelul


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