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Ia-ti manusi Harbinger. E o marca foarte buna. Eu am si manusi si centura Harbinger. Iti faci praf mainile, manusile nu sunt deloc gay.

Centura ai? Daca nu ai, ia-ti neaparat.

Edited by Bogdan
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MAS o sa-ti zica sa te dai cu alifie. 

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am centura, o pun pentru indreptari cu greutate mare de exemplu, sau ramat din aplecat.

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meh, inca nu am simtit nevoia, nu incarc foarte mult si inhiba ca sa zic asa, abdominalii (valabil si pentru celelalte exercitii). E ok centura ca protejeaza partea lombara, dar nu mai esti suficient de mobil pe parcursul exercitiului si iti poate da o falsa senzatie de forta, iar cand faci fara, te faci cacat.


is misto geno din motivele pentru care deja le-am scris mai demult si e exercitiu care trebuia neaprat sa existe in antrenament, dar pt picioare imi place sa fac si flexii la aparat mai nou :)

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Depinde de greutatea cu care faci. Daca faci cu greutati mici, n-ai nevoie.


Dar daca faci cu greutati mari, e foarte periculos fara centura.


Iar la spate nu simti nevoia pana nu te accidentezi.

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Iar la spate nu simti nevoia pana nu te accidentezi.


asta asa e.

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stii ca nu exista niciun studiu care sa ateste valabilitatea centurii.


in schimb s-au facut contra, si ca sa vezi, nu-i buna la nimic, 



The Department of Defense does not recognize back support belts as personal protective equipment, or the use of these devices in the prevention of back injuries. These devices are considered medical appliances and may be prescribed by credentialed health care providers who are responsible for medical clearance, monitoring, and proper fit (DoDI 6055.1, paragraph E6.1.3).


In March 2002, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) published a summary of their findings on the use of back belts. • In 1994, NIOSH published Workplace Use of Back Belts - Review and Recommendations and Back Belts - Do They Prevent Injury? These reports identified several issues and concerns regarding the use of back belts. They concluded that there wasn’t enough evidence to recommend the use of back belts as a back injury prevention measure. • Since then, NIOSH conducted a large epidemiologic study and two laboratory evaluations to more conclusively determine the effects of back belt use. NIOSH has concluded from the study and evaluation data: - Back belt use did reduce spine bending in laboratory trials. - Elastic support back belt use among retail material-handlers was not associated with reduced back injuries or back pain.

si aici tata lor



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ce prostie


deci toti powerlifterii sau halterofilii sunt idioti ca si pun centuri cand fac cu sute de kile


probabil si studiul ala a fost realizat de ceva soareci de laborator care n au pus in viata lor mana pe o gantera


hai sictir

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Studiile astea sunt facute pe oameni normali. De exemplu, un studiu d-asta a fost facut pe hamali de la aeroport.

Eu cred ca ajuta.

Nu e nevoie de nici un studiu ca si daca ar fi aproape inutila in rest, centura iti tine spatele drept, ceea ce inseamna ca scad mult sansele de a te accidenta.

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Nu stiu de cand lifterii au ajuns cercetatori. Acolo totul se preia de la unul si de la altul. Monkey see, monkey do. 

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Adesea lucrurile empirice ascund adevaruri mari.


Sunt n exemple de lucruri facute de oameni doar pe baza experientei acumulate in timp, fara nici un fel de stiinta sau cercetare.


De exemplu, modul in care fierarii japonezi fac sabiile katana.

Aia sigur nu stiau diagrama fier carbon acum 600-700 de ani, dar tot au fost in stare sa faca niste sabii incredibil de rezistente.


Eu am facut geno cel mai mult cu 140 kg. Evident ca la cadrul Smith. Tot ca sa nu risc o accidentare. 

Pai cu centura te simti mult mai inchegat, mai legat. Si te obliga sa faci exercitiul corect.

Edited by Bogdan
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bai scufi,nu mai sustine aberatii


sunt zeci de mii de atleti care practica sporturile cu greutati oricare ar fi ele


si fara exceptie,repet fara exceptie centura e folosita la anumite genuri de miscare


ca si bandajele elastice la genunchi sau incheieturi


adica de zeci de ani nimeni nu si a dat  seama ca centura este useless??


hai sa fim seriosi

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Altii cred in Dumnezeu. Io ce sa le fac. 


Eu sustin ce se vede, nu ce cred unii si altii. 


Pasaje ca:


Results indicate that use of the belts may, in fact, increase the risk of injury when not wearing a belt following a period of wearing a belt.


Some clients may find the use of a weightlifting belt helpful in maintaining proper form during exercise. However, this is not a stand-alone solution or preventive measure. Teaching your clients' proper form and prescribing the appropriate exercises and loads appears to be the best primary intervention to reduce the risk of injury during exercise. However, a lumbar belt may provide a beneficial effect when performing maximal lifts, such as in power lifting. Finally, it is important for the trainer to realize that there is a complex interaction of the muscles, such as the abdominals (especially the obliques and transverse abdominals) and other sensory influences (such as proprioception and kinesthetic awareness) when doing lifting tasks that should always be considered when designing safe and effective exercise

Edited by Scufi

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ma cac pe idiotii aia ma


sunt ferm convins ca daca ai face indreptari cu sute de kile fara centura ai fi infinit mai predispus la accidentari in zona lombara


sau genu acelasi lucru


studiile alea nu sunt facute in domeniul sportiv

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Uita-te la Arnold. Eu nu am vazut centura la el, desi poate am omis. 

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lol,am 15 ani de sport cu greutati,crede ma ca mi as fi dat seama ca e mai bine cu sau fara centura


plm adica nici nu mai continui discutia asta aberanta

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studiile alea nu sunt facute in domeniul sportiv

Exista si institute de medicina sportiva in care lucreaza fosti sportivi, dar normal ca studiile alora nu ajung publicate in diverse reviste si pe net.

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Uita-te la Arnold. Eu nu am vazut centura la el, desi poate am omis. 



nu l ai vazut cu centura in concurs poate.uita te la pumping iron.

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Altii cred in Dumnezeu. Io ce sa le fac. 


Eu sustin ce se vede, nu ce cred unii si altii. 


Pasaje ca:


Results indicate that use of the belts may, in fact, increase the risk of injury when not wearing a belt following a period of wearing a belt.


asta-i ca aia gen, studies indicate that use of contraceptives, may in fact increase the risk of pregnancy, when not taking the contraceptive.


si p-asta am dat-o beat, beware.

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Am acces la tot felul de jurnale platite. Nu ma ingrijorez. 


O sa ma uit, dar daca nu apare centura?!  :lol:

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Io-s cu Scufi.

Nu că-l susțin, dar paie pe foc.

Zi-le, Scufi.

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