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Femei tunate sau stock?

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cred ca LEU face multe neveste fericite, lol.

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Mas știe de existența acestui topic?

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el are unu' cu barbati in matarangile goale.  e locked topicu', doar el poa' sa-l vada. si sa posteze, bine'nteles.  un fel de selfie.

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chiar, n-a dat niciun like, la nicio poza de pe topicul asta. :(

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Ce mincinos esti.

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cine pune o poza cu ifix?


gen test

Edited by umbrella

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poate daca punem si ceva femei in ... goala, vine si mas










nota redactiei: sa nu cumva....

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Edited by LEU

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Blue, strici peisajul cu aia. Are calcaie de zici ca a lucrat la cooperativa sateasca

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lol caline, cre' c-ai dormit in zil azinoapte.

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kip ar citeste-o si asa.

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nu de muiere, de Calin :))


gata ma opresc.

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