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Seria 4 GT

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Bai ce bine ca nu-i GT, ci GranCoupe. Ma speriasem ca l-au stricat si pe asta.

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Arata promitator...sa-l vedem si la lansare.

Ce stie nenea ala de conduce circuitul...

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Corect ..COUPE!!!

Arata prea bine, oricum mie imi place 5GT iar 3GT l-am vazut in show room , arata cam astenic , are rotile cam mici pt caroseria din dotare.

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majoritatea au asa, insa le poti schimba usor, nu toti vor roti mari

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In rest 3GT e ok, are un ditamai portbagaj-ul, foarte misto compartimentat, usile fara rama de la geamuri, e foarte finuta...eleganta.

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5GT e un fel de Vel Satis nemtesc, e altceva, limuzina, mie imi da senzatia de safe, solid, tanc...

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Sau sa fie vorba de BMW-ul ala cu tractiune fata .....

Edited by MirceaSI

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