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Macinici se zice la tine in Calarasi ?

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fara suparare si scuzati mi ignoranta,da ce e slobozul ala?

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Eu nu mananc asa ceva, niciodata nu mi au placut

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Da, in principal e vorba de opturile alea care se gasesc in magazine, se fierb cu nuca pisata, scortisoara, coaja de lamaie, etc. Iese bun bun.

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Nici mie. Mie imi plac aia cum a facut maica mea ieri de am pus pe fb. Moldovenesti.

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plm, pe aici numai asa se fac. N-am incercat si alt fel.

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pare un smuti autohton care se mananca cu linguroiu

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Plm. Ciorba dulce. Yuk

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Facuti ieri de maica-mea.




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La ciorba asta merge felu' 2 coliva.

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eu am facut mucenici aseara, manual


tot ciorba



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io mi-am luat un melc cu branza de la Lidl, fac o stacana de ceai negru si ma uit in gol la meciuri. 


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Pai si ce are ?


Azi am pohta de gnochi.

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am luat teapa, am primit un borcan cu mucenici de-ai lui Laur


si, cand colo, am gasit vreo 2 bucatele, in rest doar zama in borcan :(

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Pff, daca vrei ceva adevarat anunta-ma data viitoare. :)

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