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LMA si Kenbobo!!! :)

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Lma kenbobo & wlf(zis si coite epilate) !

Edited by jeezy

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Baaaai absentule, de unde ai rasarit? :D

El a zis-o ieri, cand absentai.

Edited by jeezy

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La Multi Ani si pentru cei din LGBT!

Urare garantat Ciupanescă :)

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Plotogii astia de la Dinamo imi stricara ziua.

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Acuma am văzut și io pe net.

Te-ai uitat?

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La multi ani, L!

Edited by MAS

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La Multi  Ani, Ifics! :D


Edited by MAS

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totusi, ce mama naibii se-ntampla aici.

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si tie, copilule din Rares.




astazi incerc sa fiu cuminte :)

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Umbrella vrea croșee la ficat :)))

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