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Gramatica limbii romane - Odihneasca-se in pace!

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Am cunoscut-o bre. Prin 2009

Spera sa primeasca niste dick pics.

Dar ai putea sa-mi trimiti tu ;)




Later edit: Simi ma dispera - la el nu tine vrajeala cu gay-ismul :(

Bloo, help! Ma simt hartuit

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Mmmm...nu s-a pus problema de d-astea bre...am intalnit-o o data la câj la o adunare bmwclub si o data in bucuresti. Atat...

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Ai fost la câj, la adunare bemveu? :)))



Iar nu pot durni.

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ah, am postat gresit, sorry


si am pierdut si gala BAS, ca am adormit.

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lol, vii la predeal si de dai cat doresti, you're my guest, oricand :D

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lol  :lol: pai ii cer atunci 500.000 si i-o dau impreuna cu casa daca e.

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Casa aia e juma de meleon?



cu 2000 de mp teren, in Predeal, in zona aia, eu zic ca da. 

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