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It was the most dangerous moment of the Cold War. At about 5 p.m. on Oct. 27,
                                   1962, a Soviet submarine armed with a nuclear warhead found itself trapped and
                                   being bombarded by a US warship patrolling off Cuba

                                   One of the Soviet captains gave the order to prepare to fire. But a cooler-headed
                                   officer persuaded him to wait for instructions from Moscow before unleashing a
                                   nuclear attack.


''The lesson from this is that a guy called Vasili Arkhipov saved the world,'' said

Thomas Blanton, director of the National Security Archive. He was referring to the

Soviet captain who prevailed on his fellow officers not to fire the nuclear torpedo.



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Tot incerc sa va spun ca ONU nu inseamna numai Consiliul de Securitate:


The UN has six principal organs: the General Assembly (the main deliberative assembly); the Security Council (for deciding certain resolutions for peace and security); the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) (for promoting international economic and social co-operation and development); the Secretariat (for providing studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN); the International Court of Justice (the primary judicial organ); and the United Nations Trusteeship Council (inactive since 1994). UN System agencies include the World Bank Group, the World Health Organization, the World Food ProgrammeUNESCO, and UNICEF. The UN's most prominent officer is theSecretary-General, an office held by Ban Ki-moon of South Korea since 2007. Non-governmental organisations may be granted consultative status with ECOSOC and other agencies to participate in the UN's work.


Asadar, sanctiunile economice folosite ca alternativa la interventia militara (ca vad ca totul se reduce la armata) sunt tot in sfera de influenta ONU. Si sunt sigur ca stiti mai multe exemple recente decat Iranul.

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Da Zyz asa, Onu se ocupa si de altele, eu ziceam strict de partea cu securitatea.


Apropo, WTO sunt aia care au scos ACTA/SOPA/PIPA nu? Si World health organisation sunt aia care au scris Codex Alimentarius? Buni baieti...



Asadar, sanctiunile economice folosite ca alternativa la interventia militara (ca vad ca totul se reduce la armata) sunt tot in sfera de influenta ONU



Da Zyz. Dar:


Quick Listing of The United States' Record of Veto Use at the United Nations (UN): 1972–2011*

[including Resolutions against Decades of Atrocities and Violations, Often Supported and/or Bankrolled by the United States]



Year  Resolution Vetoed by the United States

1972 Condemns Israel for killing hundreds of people in Syria and Lebanon in air raids.

1973 Affirms the rights of the Palestinians and calls on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.

1976 Condemns Israel for attacking Lebanese civilians.

1976 Condemns Israel for building settlements in the occupied territories.

1976 Calls for self determination for the Palestinians.

1976 Affirms the rights of the Palestinians.

1978 Urges the permanent members (USA, USSR, UK, France, China) to insure UN decisions on the maintenance of international peace and security.

1978 Criticises the living conditions of the Palestinians.

1978 Condemns the Israeli human rights record in occupied territories.

1978 Calls for developed countries to increase the quantity and quality of development assistance to underdeveloped countries.

1979 Calls for an end to all military and nuclear collaboration with the apartheid South Africa.

1979 Strengthens the arms embargo against South Africa.

1979 Offers assistance to all the oppressed people of South Africa and their liberation movement.

1979 Concerns negotiations on disarmament and cessation of the nuclear arms race.

1979 Calls for the return of all inhabitants expelled by Israel.

1979 Demands that Israel desist from human rights violations.

1979 Requests a report on the living conditions of Palestinians in occupied Arab countries.

1979 Offers assistance to the Palestinian people.

1979 Discusses sovereignty over national resources in occupied Arab territories.

1979 Calls for protection of developing counties' exports.

1979 Calls for alternative approaches within the United Nations system for improving the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

1979 Opposes support for intervention in the internal or external affairs ofstates.

1979 For a UN Conference on Women.

1979 To include Palestinian women in the UN Conference on Women.

1979 Safeguards rights of developing countries in multinational trade negotiations.

1980 Requests Israel to return displaced persons.

1980 Condemns Israeli policy regarding the living conditions of the Palestinian people.

1980 Condemns Israeli human rights practices in occupied territories: 3 resolutions.

1980 Affirms the right of self determination for the Palestinians.

1980 Offers assistance to the oppressed people of South Africa and their national liberation movement.

1980 Attempts to establish a New International Economic Order to promote the growth of underdeveloped countries and international economic co-operation.

1980 Endorses the Program of Action for Second Half of UN Decade for Women.

1980 Declaration of non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states.

1980 Emphasises that the development of nations and individuals is a human right.

1980 Calls for the cessation of all nuclear test explosions.

1980 Calls for the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

1981 Promotes co-operative movements in developing countries.

1981 Affirms the right of every state to choose its economic and social system in accord with the will of its people, without outside interference in whatever form it takes.

1981 Condemns activities of foreign economic interests in colonial territories.

1981 Calls for the cessation of all test explosions of nuclear weapons.

1981 Calls for action in support of measures to prevent nuclear war, curb the arms race and promote disarmament.

1981 Urges negotiations on prohibition of chemical and biological weapons.

1981 Declares that education, work, health care, proper nourishment, national development, etc are human rights.

1981 Condemns South Africa for attacks on neighbouring states, condemns apartheid and attempts to strengthen sanctions: 7 resolutions.

1981 Condemns an attempted coup by South Africa on the Seychelles.

1981 Condemns Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, human rights policies, and the bombing of Iraq:
18 resolutions.

1982 Condemns the Israeli invasion of Lebanon: 
6 resolutions (1982 to 1983).

1982 Condemns the shooting of 11 Muslims at a shrine in Jerusalem by an Israeli soldier.

1982 Calls on Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights occupied in 1967.

1982 Condemns apartheid and calls for the cessation of economic aid to South Africa: 4 resolutions.

1982 Calls for the setting up of a World Charter for the protection of the ecology.

1982 Sets up a United Nations conference on succession of states in respect to state property, archives, and debts.

1982 Nuclear test bans and negotiations and nuclear free outer space: 3 resolutions.

1982 Supports a new world information and communications order.

1982 Prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons.

1982 Development of international law.

1982 Protects against products harmful to health and the environment .

1982 Declares that education, work, health care, proper nourishment, and national development are human rights.

1982 Protects against products harmful to health and the environment.

1982 Development of the energy resources of developing countries.

1983 Resolutions about apartheid, nuclear arms, economics, and international law: 15 resolutions.

1984 Condemns support of South Africa in its Namibian and other policies.

1984 International action to eliminate apartheid.

1984 Condemns Israel for occupying and attacking southern Lebanon.

1984 Resolutions about apartheid, nuclear arms, economics, and international law. 18 resolutions.

1985 Condemns Israel for occupying and attacking southern Lebanon.

1985 Condemns Israel for using excessive force in the occupied territories.

1985 Resolutions about cooperation, human rights, trade and development. 3 resolutions.

1985 Measures to be taken against Nazi, Fascist, and neo-Fascist activities .

1986 Calls on all governments (including the United States) to observe international law.

1986 Imposes economic and military sanctions against South Africa.

1986 Condemns Israel for its actions against Lebanese civilians.

1986 Calls on Israel to respect Muslim holy places.

1986 Condemns Israel for sky-jacking a Libyan airliner.

1986 Resolutions about cooperation, security, human rights, trade, media bias, the environment, and development: 8 resolutions.

1987 Calls on Israel to abide by the Geneva Conventions in its treatment of the Palestinians.

1987 Calls on Israel to stop deporting Palestinians.

1987 Condemns Israel for its actions in Lebanon:
2 resolutions.

1987 Calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon.

1987 Cooperation between the UN and League of Arab States.

1987 Calls for compliance in the International Court of Justice concerning military and paramilitary activities against Nicaragua and a call to end the trade embargo against Nicaragua: 2 resolutions.

1987 Measures to prevent international terrorism, study the underlying political and economic causes of terrorism, convene a conference to define terrorism and to differentiate it from the struggle of people from national liberation.

1987 Resolutions concerning journalism, international debt, and trade: 3 resolutions.

1987 Opposition to the build up of weapons in space.

1987 Opposition to the development of new weapons of mass destruction.

1987 Opposition to nuclear testing. 2 resolutions.

1987 Proposal to set up South Atlantic "Zone of Peace".

1988 Condemns Israeli practices against Palestinians in the occupied territories: 5 resolutions (1988 and 1989).

1989 Condemns US invasion of Panama.

1989 Condemns US troops for ransacking the residence of the Nicaraguan ambassador in Panama.

1989 Condemns US support for the Contra army in Nicaragua.

1989 Condemns illegal US embargo of Nicaragua.

1989 Opposing the acquisition of territory by force.

1989 Calling for a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict based on earlier UN resoltions.

1990 To send three UN Security Council observers to the occupied territories.

1995 Affirms that land in East Jerusalem annexed by Israel is occupied territory.

1997 Calls on Israel to cease building settlements in East Jerusalem and other occupied territories:
2 resolutions.

1999 Calls on the United States to end its trade embargo on Cuba:
8 resolutions (1992 to 1999).

2001 To send unarmed monitors to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

2001 To set up the International Criminal Court.

2002 To renew the peace keeping mission in Bosnia. 

2002 Condemns the killing of a UN worker from the United Kingdom by Israeli forces. Condemns the destruction of the World Food Programme warehouse.

2003 Condemns a decision by the Israeli parliament to "remove" the elected Palestinian president, Yasser Arafat.

2003 Condemns the building of a wall by Israel on Palestinian land.

2003 To end the US's forty-year embargo of Cuba.

2004 Condemns the assassination of Hamas leader Sheik Ahmad Yassin.

2004 Condemns the Israeli incursion and killings in Gaza.

2004 Production and processing of weapon-usable material should be under international control.

2006 Calls for an end to Israeli military incursions and attacks on Gaza.

2006 Calls for an end to the financial embargo against Cuba.

2007 Calls for peaceful uses for outer space.

2007 Calls for a convention against female descrimination.

2007 Concerning the rights of children.

2007 Concerning the right to food.

2007 On the applicability of the Geneva Convention to the protection of civilians in time of war.

2007 Calls for the protection of the Global Climate.

2007 Calls for Indian Ocean to be declared a zone of peace. Calls for a nuclear weapon-free South East Asia.

2007 Calls for the right of self determination for the Palestinian people. Other resolutions regarding the Palestinians and their rights.

2008 Calls for progress towards an arms trade treaty.

2008 Banning the development of new weapons of mass destruction.

2008 Assuring non-nuclear states they will not be attacked or threatened with nuclear weapons.

2008 Prevention of the development of an arms race in outer space and transparency in outer space activities.

2008 Calls to decrease the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems and to ban nuclear weapons.

2008 Calls to end the use of depleted Uranium in weapons.

2008 Concerning the trade in illicit small arms.

2008 Calls for a nuclear free Central Asia and a nuclear free Southern Hemisphere. Prevention of proliferation in the Middle East.

2008 Calls for a comprehensive (nuclear) test ban treaty. Calls for a nuclear weapon free world.

2008 Calls for a treaty on children's rights.

2008 Condemns racial descrimination.

2008 Affirms the soverignty of Palestinians over the occupied territories and their resources.

2008 Affirms the right of the Palestinians to self determination.

2008 Calls on Israel to pay the cost of cleaning up an oil slick off the coast of Lebanon caused by its bombing.

2008 Calls for a new economic order.

2008 Calls for a right of development for nations.

2008 Calls for a right to food.

2008 Respect for the right to universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification.

2008 Concerning developments in information technology for international security.

2008 Resolutions concerning Palestine, its people, their property, and Israeli practices in Palestine, including settlements.

2009 Calls for an end to the twenty-two-day-long Israeli attack on Gaza.

2011 Calls for a halt to the illegal Israeli West Bank settlements.

2011 Calls for Israel to cease obstructing the movement and access of the staff, vehicles and supplies of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees.

2011 Calls for the immediate and complete cessation of all Israeli settlement activities in all of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan.


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Da, din aceeasi serie cu cel despre epuizarea resurselor de petrol. Interesant, intr-adevar.


sa nu uitam de apa.

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minerala  :lol:

N-am cu ce sa te contrazic aici. Asa e, rezolutiile alea sunt apa de ploaie. Le putem incadra la efort diplomatic. Dar mai sunt si astea:




eu n-as citi publicatiile Council of Foreign Relations.... :) dar vizavi de restrictii si embargouri :



cum sa nu i iubesti pe americani? si se mai si intreaba ca niste curve virgine la tv: oare de ce ne urasc?


in februarie cica tre sa semneze P5+1 cu Iranul acordul ptr ridicarea unor restrictii si deblocarea unor conturi. In acelasi timp Congresul american a votat impunerea altor restrictii Iranului, Obama fiind impotriva. Oare ptr cine lucreaza Congresul american? hmmm...



si apropo de apa.


a noastra e privatizata,nu?

Edited by Max

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in februarie cica tre sa semneze P5+1 cu Iranul acordul ptr ridicarea unor restrictii si deblocarea unor conturi. In acelasi timp Congresul american a votat impunerea altor restrictii Iranului, Obama fiind impotriva. Oare ptr cine lucreaza Congresul american? hmmm...

Asta cu Iranul e o mizerie, mai ales ca presiunea pentru stoparea programului vine din partea israelului.

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Pai si atunci de ce se teme Israelul cu tot cu bombele lui nucleare?

Nu se spune cateva posturi mai in spate ca are puterea de a arunca lumea in aer?

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Israelul nu se teme. Cauta doar motivatie pentru extinderea teritoriului si eliminarea arabilor din regiune.

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Pai nu e nici o conspiratie, e chiar istorie de-acum.  :)

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Atunci istorie sa fie! :P


OFF: cand te vedem cu o prezentare la BMW in aria dedicata?

Ca ai prezentat doar masina din Grupul VAG... :P

Edited by claudiusnc

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O sa-i fac un topic cat de curand. N-am prea investit in e92, de asta am considerat ca nu e mare lucru de prezentat.

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Daca ONU ar fi fost intr-adevar de bagat in seama ar fi trebuit sa le dea la americani sanctiuni economice gramada. 

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Pai imi mai dau si eu cu stangu-n dreptul, da' nu-mi dau si sanctiuni dup-aia  :P

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Pai SUA ar trebui sa-si dea demisia de onoare din ONU la cat de mult iau ei in serios lucrurile astea.


Pun pariu ca daca Rusia n-ar fi avut bomba atomica, americanii i-ar fi atacat. Razboiul e practic singurul lucru la care americanii sunt buni.

Edited by Bogdan

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Discutia asta merita un topic separat, Maxe. Ciupa, nici macar la razboi nu sunt atat de buni. Cred ca tot Max zicea, si zicea bine, ca americanii au cam pierdut toata conflictele de dupa WW2. Iar WW2 l-au castigat in primul rand pentru ca n-au luptat pe teritoriul lor iar industria n-a avut deloc de suferit.

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Eu ziceam treaba cu razboaiele de dupa WW2. WW2 l-au castigat impreuna cu rusii si englezii. Si asta pentru ca au aparut tocmai cand lumea era deja obosita de atata razboi.


Foarte buni nu sunt, dar in comparatie cu alte domenii, macar acolo exceleaza cu ceva. Partea proasta e ca nu invata deloc din greseli.

Toti oamenii care vorbesc inteligent nu sunt bagati in seama. Incep dementii cu FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY si alte tampenii si o iau toti cu pianul pe scari.


Foarte multi americani au impresia stupida ca ei sunt urati in lume pentru ca sunt liberi si democrati. Sa fim seriosi. Sunt urati pentru ca se baga in treburile interne ale altor state. De la sfarsitul WW2 si pana acum au tot rasturnat guverne si au instaurat dictatori prieteni. Apoi s-au certat cu acei dictatori, i-au omorat impreuna cu o gramada de oameni si au distrus tari intregi.


Spun ca au castigat razboiul din Vietnam, dar ei sunt fix aia care au fost evacuati de pe acoperisul ambasadei, adica umilinta totala.


Razboiul cu tarile arabe e pierdut pentru ca aia nu fac pasul in spate, nu renunta, nu se lasa. Aia vor lupta pana la ultimul.



Edited by Bogdan

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Pun pariu ca daca Rusia n-ar fi avut bomba atomica, americanii i-ar fi atacat. Razboiul e practic singurul lucru la care americanii sunt buni.





nu cred.pe toata durata razboiului rece atat americanii cat si vestul europei au adoptat o politica defensiva.


de fapt la incheierea razboiului, rusii nici nu detineau inca bomba atomica.dar aveau puterea Armatei rosii,care a ingrozit occidentul


si ca sa ti dau un exemplu,toata tehnica militara conventionala aparuta dupa razboi de partea aliatilor,reprezenta un raspuns de contracarare a rusilor 


daca rusii produceau un tanc,americanii si englezii imediat veneau cu ceva ca raspuns pentru o eventuala confruntare


dupa aparitia armelor nucleare si la rusi,s a transformat totul intr un joc de sah pe care l stim cu totii.

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Au adoptat o pozitie defensiva de frica.


Insa gresesti. Rusii aveau bomba atomica in timpul razboiului rece. Raboiul rece a inceput in 1947 si s-a sfarsit in '89.




A complete list of test series and links to lists of tests is at List of nuclear weapons tests of the Soviet Union.


RDS-1, the first Soviet atomic test was internally code-named First Lightning (ÐŸÐµÑ€Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ð¸Ñ, or Pervaya Molniya) August 29, 1949, and was code-named by the Americans as Joe 1. The design was very similar to the first US "Fat Man" plutonium bomb, using a TNT/hexogenimplosion lens design.


On September 24, 1951, the 38.3 kiloton device RDS-2 was tested based on a tritium "boosted" uranium implosion device (not a gun-type design like the US "Little Boy" bomb) with a levitated core.[2] This test was code named Joe-2 by American analysts.


The mushroom cloud from the first air-dropped bomb test in 1951. This picture is confused withRDS-27 and RDS-37 tests.

On October 18, 1951, the 41.2 kiloton device RDS-3 was detonated, a boosted weapon using a composite construction of levitatedplutonium core and a uranium-235 shell. Code named Joe-3 in the USA, this was the first Soviet air-dropped bomb test. Released at an altitude of 10 km, it detonated 400 meters above the ground.


RDS-4 represented a branch of research on small tactical weapons. It was a boosted fission device using plutonium in a "levitated" core design. The first test was an air drop on August 23, 1953, yielding 28 kilotons. The RDS-4 comprised the warhead of the R-5Mmedium-range ballistic missile, which was tested with a live warhead for the first and only time on February 2, 1956. The RDS-5 was a similar levitated core design but with a composite plutonium core and uranium 235 shell.


RDS-6, the first Soviet test of a hydrogen bomb, took place on August 12, 1953 and was nicknamed Joe 4 by the Americans. It used a layer-cake design of fission and fusion fuels (uranium 235 and lithium-6 deuteride) and produced a yield of 400 kilotons, mostly from neutron-initiated fission rather than fusion.


A much lower-power version of the RDS-4 with a 3-10 kiloton yield, the RDS-9 was developed for the T-5 nuclear torpedo. A 3.5 kiloton underwater test was performed with the torpedo on September 21, 1955.


The first Soviet test of a "true" hydrogen bomb in the megaton range was conducted on November 22, 1955. It was dubbed RDS-37 by the Soviets. It was of the multi-staged,radiation implosion thermonuclear design called Sakharov's "Third Idea" in the USSR and the Teller-Ulam design in the USA.[3]

Joe 1, Joe 4, and RDS-37 were all tested at the Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan.

Tsar Bomba (RDS-220)[edit]

The Tsar Bomba (Царь-бомба) was the largest, most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated. It was a three-stage hydrogen bomb with a yield of about 50 megatons.[4] This is equivalent to ten times the amount of all the explosives used in World War II combined.[5] It was detonated on October 30, 1961, in the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, and was capable of approximately 100 megatons, but was purposely reduced shortly before the launch. Although weaponized, it was not entered into service; it was simply a demonstrative testing on the capabilities of the Soviet Union's military technology at that time. The explosion was hot enough to induce third degree burns at 100 km distance.[6]


Chagan was a shot in the Nuclear Explosions for the National Economy or Project 7, the Soviet equivalent of the US Operation Plowshare to investigate peaceful uses of nuclear weapons. It was a subsurface detonation, and was fired on January 15, 1965. The site was a dry bed of the Chagan River at the edge of the Semipalatinsk Test Site, and was chosen such that the lip of the crater would dam the river during its high spring flow. The resultant crater had a diameter of 408 meters and was 100 meters deep. A major lake (10,000 m³) soon formed behind the 20–35 m high upraised lip, known as Chagan Lake or Balapan Lake.[citation needed]

The photo is sometimes confused with RDS-1 in literature.


Deci e clar ca rusii aveau bomba nucleara, iar acele teste sunt fix demonstratia acestui lucru. Demonstratie cu valoare foarte grea in politica externa. Practic le-au aratat  pisica moarta americanilor ca sa stie ce se intampla.


Sau te referi la WW2. Atunci nu aveau de ce sa-i atace. Eu ma refeream la Razboiul Rece. In timpul Razboiului Rece i-ar fi atacat daca nu aveau bomba atomica.

Edited by Bogdan

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Ce va mai place Wikipediaaaa :lol:

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asa e Zyz&Bogdan. Sua e condusa practic de sionisti. banci, fed, media, congres, agentii informatii, lobby. doar poate armata ce a ramas neinfiltrata. cred


on: Skynet.


meet DARPA :)















strategic computing...for fuck's sake. in 1983, cand ma nasteam io astia vorbeau de AI. pai inseamna ca acum in secret astia vorbesc despre.....fucking BORGi n plm.

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