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accidente ''spectaculoase'' culese de pe net

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Sunt perfect stock masinile, m-am documentat. Zice dansa dupa minutul 6 ca singura modificare sunt placutele de frana. Atat. Si mi se pare normal, nu vrei sa ti se inmoaie franele.


Muierea e nebuna in concluzie. Mai si rade in hohote cand face drift-uri :)






N-am stat sa caut o tura cu drift-uri, am gasit-o intamplator p-aia in care povestea despre masina la nivel de modificari.

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asta i un job pentru care as face ore suplimentare neplatite

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Bre ifx, cum naiba de nu joci GranTurismo pe PS3 ?

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Vezi umbrello, intotdeauna exista o explicatie. Iti zic eu ca l-ar pasiona. Bre ifx, cand esti prin Bucuresti te invit la o tura cu G27 pe Nurburgring. O sa-ti placa. Sigur.

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puteam sa zic cine a dat plus si fara sa ma uit :sorcerer:

MAS al meu e plecat de pe lumea asta, fara gluma. Cum naiba sa-ti lasi commenturile la liber pe facebook? :)))))


Acu' sa nu-mi spuneti ca asteapta sa zic eu ceva si d-aia e asa :sorcerer:


lol, inca cineva. bine ma. bine.

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n are cum.mai tin minte ep cu fordu transit cand a scos timp mai bun decat clarkson cu jaguaru


tipa aia e piesa la pilotaj,cred ca ar face nurburbring si cu ochii acoperiti


Stiu si eu episodul. Avea un transit de 125 CP din ala mic, a scos untul din el. Dar NU a scos timp mai bun ca al lui Clarkson cu jaguarul!

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n December 2004, Schmitz gained further recognition in the United Kingdom after appearing in the BBC television show Top Gear with presenter Jeremy Clarkson. After Clarkson (under her tutelage) set a lap time of 9 minutes 59 seconds around the Nürburgring in a Jaguar S-Type diesel (Season 5, Episode 5), she castigated his best lap with the comment "I tell you something, I do that lap time in a van". She did a lap in the Jaguar S-Type, and set a time of 9 minutes 12 seconds, beating him by 47 seconds. When trying to film Schmitz as she drove the S-Type, the film team were unable to keep up so used Jaguar test driver Wolfgang Schubauer to drive the Jaguar S-Type R chase car,[4] meaning that much of the lap shown on the episode was not the 9 min. 12 sec. lap time.

Thus, in her second appearance on Top Gear, she actually drove a Ford Transit Diesel in an attempt to beat Clarkson's time set in the Jaguar S-Type diesel. Her final time with the Transit was 10 minutes and 8 seconds (Season 6, Episode 7). For this final lap the van was stripped and streamlined at the front with gaffer tape (Schmitz's belt, hubcaps, spare wheel, toolkit and Richard Hammond were removed) and a Dodge Viper was driven in front to help keep the "air clean" by providing a good slipstream to travel through.


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daca mai citesc o data "bolid", ma ia cu spume la gura si spasme.

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asa-i p-acolo :)


sunt campioni la accidente indienii.

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tre sa ai coaiele cat china sa mergi pe moto in india, da-i in plm de dementi nespalati.

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Am un prieten care a prins dragan de o indianca si a stat prin New Delhi vreo 6 luni.

Aia acolo sunt salbateci, maimute peste tot, care iti fura mancarea, mizerie si miros la greu, haos prin oras, mai exista si cartier de leprosi...un mare kkt India asta...

Imi povestea ca ii era frica sa iasa cu scuterul pe sosea la cum se merge acolo.

Aaa...si vaci frate. Vaca e sfanta la ei si este peste tot in plm.

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asa o sa fie si la noi in maxim 50 de ani,cand vom fi o minoritate intr o tara populata in proportie de 70% de tigani.

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da futu-i in gura de borati, arde-i-ar focu' si molima de paraziti imputiti.

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E bine ca nu prea traiesc mult. Mananca prost, au sistemul imunitar praf.

Edited by Bogdan

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O ..., pai ii vad iarna pe la gara, puradei in chiloti la -20 de grade, pai eu sau tu, dupa o faza din asta o dam in boala terminala in 24 de ore, astia is ca gandacii, n-au nici pe dreq.

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si eu auzisem ca n-o duc prea mult tiganii. Cauzele nu-mi sunt cunoscute.


Oricum si daca au doar 30 de ani de trait, tot o sa ne sufoce.


Eu n-am nicio treaba, nu prea mai intru in contact cu ei.


Ultima data a fost cand v-am zis chestia aia, cu ma-sa zicandu-i copilului: "ce vrei, ba, puscarie de copil?".



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dobitoaca p.lii, cum bine zicea stimabilul nostru coleg.



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