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Eu banuiesc ca alternatorul are probleme pentru ca avea eroare de overvoltage.

Aia de la baterii au verificat si alternatorul masura ok. Insa, eroarea aia de overvoltage nu apare degeaba.

Si parca tot Pole mi-a zis ca a vazut in bord incarcare peste 15v. 


discutie aici



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Pentru supraincarcare, vinovatul este regulatorul de incarcare de pe alternator. Chiar daca ai consumatori mari, alternatorul n-are voie sa bage peste 14.6v.

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Eu banuiesc ca alternatorul are probleme pentru ca avea eroare de overvoltage.

Aia de la baterii au verificat si alternatorul masura ok. Insa, eroarea aia de overvoltage nu apare degeaba.

Si parca tot Pole mi-a zis ca a vazut in bord incarcare peste 15v. 



confirm, in meniul ala secret, 15.2v


cu toate acestea, faptul ca numai cand e frig raman fara baterie, ma duce cu gandul ca ar putea fi altceva.


in fine, sa ma cac in ea. la propriu, deci azi dimineata asa tare m-am enervat, incat m-a luat cacarea instant, mi s-a indreptat colonu' instant.

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cica tesniunea data de alternator poate fi programat prin bsd dar nu stiu exact la ce 

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Problemele electrice isi fac simtita prezenta mai ales cand sunt temperaturi scazute.

cica tesniunea data de alternator poate fi programat prin bsd dar nu stiu exact la ce 

Said no one ever

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Recall - BMW 5 and 6 Series Battery Cable

BMW UK is issuing a recall which relates to the battery cable cover of certain BMW 5 and 6 Series models. Vehicles produced between March 2003 and September 2010 are affected. The number of vehicles affected in the UK market is 109,000. 




The battery positive cable is guided from the battery in the luggage compartment via a partition area on the luggage compartment floor to the battery positive terminal in the engine compartment. The battery positive cable on the under body is clipped to the partition area from underneath by means of a battery cable cover and screw connected to the battery positive cable in the luggage compartment. In very rare cases, the cover might not have been correctly clipped to the under body. 


Long-term influences such as vibration, changes in temperature or other environmental influences may cause water ingress and a loosening of the screw connection. 


As a result, there may be fluctuations in the vehicle electrical system causing malfunctions in various different systems and even leading to the engine not starting. It is also possible that the screw connection can overheat which in extremely rare cases can lead to a charring / fire in the luggage compartment. BMW UK is aware of two confirmed incidents.


Production periods of affected vehicles:


BMW 5 Series Saloon 03/2003 - 09/2010 

BMW 5 Series Touring 03/2004 - 05/2010 

BMW M5 Saloon 02/2005 - 12/2009 

BMW M5 Touring 02/2007 - 04/2010 

BMW 6 Series Coupe 09/2003 - 07/2010 

BMW 6 Series Convertible 12/2003 - 07/2010 

BMW M6 Coupe 03/20050 - 07/2010 

BMW M6 Convertible 09/2006 - 07/2010


BMW will carry out a vehicle recall and we will write to all owners of affected vehicles. We will inspect the clip-mounted battery cable cover and then replace and seal the upper plastic cover if necessary. Owners will be contacted in due course and asked to contact their local dealer to make an appointment for this work to be completed. Affected vehicles can continue to be driven.

Edited by Scufi

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sa-mi bag ...... deci inteleg ca mai exista un releu, zica aia pe acolo, legat de incarcare, undeva in portbagaj, unde cacat e ala? nu regulatorul de pe alternator, altceva.


si acest pdf care pare foarte complicat in plm.


explicatia astuia pare pertinenta si documentata insa:


The voltage you are talking about is on the high side, but it depends what battery type is registered, what the temperature conditions are, and if the system voltage always stays high or is just for a short time.

Normal E60 system voltage for charging a battery in good health that is over 80% charged is generally 14.1-14.3 volts. For accelerated charging in cold weather the ECM may in rare instances charge AGMs as high as 14.7V and FLA as high as 15.5V as directed by the ECM/CAS based upon IBS feedback. If the battery is approaching a full charge and you are on a long road trip you may also begin to see the system voltage reduced to around 13.75V in an effort to avoid overcharging the battery.

FLA type batteries (and the car's electrical system) can easily take 15.5V and the ECM may drive system voltages that high if the battery state of charge is low, the ambient temperature is very low and the battery negative terminal temperature is low. Damage to electrical modules could begin at 16V.  

But if you have AGM battery registered and the alternator is putting out 15.5V then you can be sure your alternators voltage regulator is going bad (the ECM would never let a registered AGM batterysee more than 14.7V).

And if the system voltage is always above 15V or jumps wildly up and down to below 12.5V then it is definitely the voltage regulator (module screwed to the back of the alternator). When my voltage regulator failed it was jumping from 11V up to 18V.  

A relay cannot vary system voltage. A relay is just a switch which can be signaled with a very low current to close a high current connection.


Recall - BMW 5 and 6 Series Battery Cable

BMW UK is issuing a recall which relates to the battery cable cover of certain BMW 5 and 6 Series models. Vehicles produced between March 2003 and September 2010 are affected. The number of vehicles affected in the UK market is 109,000. 


The battery positive cable is guided from the battery in the luggage compartment via a partition area on the luggage compartment floor to the battery positive terminal in the engine compartment. The battery positive cable on the under body is clipped to the partition area from underneath by means of a battery cable cover and screw connected to the battery positive cable in the luggage compartment. In very rare cases, the cover might not have been correctly clipped to the under body. 

Long-term influences such as vibration, changes in temperature or other environmental influences may cause water ingress and a loosening of the screw connection. 

As a result, there may be fluctuations in the vehicle electrical system causing malfunctions in various different systems and even leading to the engine not starting. It is also possible that the screw connection can overheat which in extremely rare cases can lead to a charring / fire in the luggage compartment. BMW UK is aware of two confirmed incidents.

Production periods of affected vehicles:

BMW 5 Series Saloon 03/2003 - 09/2010 
BMW 5 Series Touring 03/2004 - 05/2010 
BMW M5 Saloon 02/2005 - 12/2009 
BMW M5 Touring 02/2007 - 04/2010 
BMW 6 Series Coupe 09/2003 - 07/2010 
BMW 6 Series Convertible 12/2003 - 07/2010 
BMW M6 Coupe 03/20050 - 07/2010 
BMW M6 Convertible 09/2006 - 07/2010

BMW will carry out a vehicle recall and we will write to all owners of affected vehicles. We will inspect the clip-mounted battery cable cover and then replace and seal the upper plastic cover if necessary. Owners will be contacted in due course and asked to contact their local dealer to make an appointment for this work to be completed. Affected vehicles can continue to be driven.




Scufi, m-au sunat de la bavaria pentru acest recall acum mult timp, cand s-a anuntat si mi-au schimbat ala la IBS.

Pages from 03_Power Management.pdf

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Aveam niste manuale sterpelite de la E60 nu stiu daca le am pe calculatorul asta, dar stiam ca e un controller/releu ceva mai destept pentru baterie, in care se putea programa ce tip de baterie e, tensiunea maxima/minima de incarcare si inca cate ceva 

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mereu m-am contrazis cu astia de la baterii, nu mi-au inregistrat bateria ca nu au cum si aia cu "nu e domle nevoie". dar eu stiu de la astia de la bavaria ca este nevoie, de altfel scrie si in manual


eu cred ca ca nu au cum, softul necesar




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Pole, daca esti in relatii bune cu aia de la bavaria, de ce nu mergi la ei pentru chestii marunte, gen configurari de baterie, scanari


asa pastrezi si un istoric cat de cat la masina 


cred ca poti sa te duci si cu bateria cumparata extern si sa ti-o monteze ei si configureze daca le esti drag 

Edited by Scufi

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nu mai lucreaza pila mea de la bavaria acolo.

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Nu e neaparat pe pila, aveam si eu un numar  direct la aftersales, nu stiu daca mai e nenea ala dar poti suna sa vezi cum decurge.


Mai cumperi o solutie de curatat, maruntaie de 30-40 lei, ca iti refaci legatura 


Iar la baterii nu stiu daca au cum sa te oblige sa folosesti de-a lor, o dai la sentiment, ca vrei relatie cu bmw ca-ti place te gandesti la unul nou in viitor, dar acum vrei sa-l intretii pe asta cat mai bine si cu istoric


astora le plac d-astea 


Vasilescu parca il chema, nume fam 

Edited by Scufi

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asa stiu si eu ca trebuie facut, insa nimeni nu face chestia asta, nu inteleg de ce. arunca bateria in portbagaj si la revedere.


mereu m-am certat pe tema asta si m au luat de nebun.


deci, acum cand merg sa iau bateria noua, unde mortii ma-sii o inregistrez?

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s-ar putea Bogdan sa aiba scula din asta.


deci am citit pe e60 forums.uk cred, ca daca nu faci chestia asta, in timp, fix problemele pe care le am eu apar, care culmineaza cu decesul bateriei, practic intr-un an e gata bateria. si la fel ca mine, la frig au aparut toate problemele.

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cred ca ar trebui sa ma paraseasca definitiv ratiunea si orice urma de instict de conservare in ceea ce priveste sanatatea mea psihica sa fac asa ceva, sa scot bateria din haosul ala unde e montata, sa o car in casa, sa stau cu redresoare si mortii ma-sii.


n-am mai pomenit asa ceva de la dacia 1310 incoace.


ma pis pe ea, daca nu se rezolva intr-o luna maxim, o dau la dezmembrat.


Pai se rezolva,ca vine vara.

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la modul foarte serios, imi voi lua o masina cat mai simpla, suficient de veche cat sa nu aiba niciun fel de electronica, SUV sau ceva cu garda inalta tare, ca sa pot merge peste tot si foarte urata.


ceva circa anii 90 ma gandesc. gen sa fie de backup, sa fie acolo de baza mereu sa stiu ca porneste oricand.


vreau sa aiba doar aer conditionat si servodirectie, ATAT!

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nu te lua dupa gizi, iti trebuie un redresor cu functie de mentenanta, ce-l conectezi la bricheta si-l lasi cat sta masina in curte/garaj


aceeasi solutie e si in showroomuri.


nu demontezi nimic

10min demontat baterie, 10min montat inapoi, incarcare full cu redresor.


Ce sa mentii daca nu ai curent suticient? Bagi 100% in ea si noroc

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asa ceva o sa imi iau, deci fix o Toyota 4Runner de prin 90' sau ceva asemanator



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@Pole: Iti pot inregistra eu schimbarea bateriei din tester. Dureaza 5 minute.

Scufelnita - Briciul lui Occam + aia cu piatra aruncata in apa.


Tu auzi ca incarca alternatorul cu mai mult decat trebuie, iar apoi te gandesti ca poate e programat sa incarce asa. Ai o gandire complicata, deloc logica. Exact ca faza aia cu masa cu metru de croitorie integrat ca ai tu de masurat chestii.

Daca gandeam asa, mi-ar fi luat 2 luni sa repar o masina.


In troubleshooting exista un principiu foarte important de la care trebuie plecat: nu trebuie sa sari peste etapele cele mai banale si sa te duci direct la cele mai complicate.

Toti mecanicii de cacat pe care ii stiu sau de care am auzit fac aceeasi greseala: cand e ceva mai complicat - e calculatoru', domne'. Ideea e sa verifici tot, de la cele mai simple lucruri pana la cele mai complicate. Cand vezi ca ai overvoltage, te gandesti in primul rand la releul de incarcare de pe alternator. 


Ex. de dimineata: Vine un cuplu cu un X3. Masina uneori ramanea fara curent - "Ramane neagra deodata." Mi-am dat seama ca zicea ca ramane fara curent. Au zis ca se intampla aleatoriu si ca dupa ce iesi si deschizi capota si o inchizi isi revine. M-am gandit ca nu sunt bornele stranse ca lumea. Aia de minus nu era stransa deloc. Cu 2 saptamani inainte isi montasera o baterie noua la MHS. Aia au uitat sa stranga borna. Fix problema care pare complicata, dar de fapt se rezolva foarte usor. Aia de la BMW n-au rezolvat-o cand s-au intors pentru ca acolo nu ai direct contact cu mecanicul ci cu un baiat d-asta consilier de service. Probabil ala n-a reusit sa treaca peste modul stangaci in care clientul a explicat problema aparuta. Le-au zis ca probabil au scapat ambreiajul si d-aia s-a oprit motorul. :lol:

Edited by Bogdan

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ciupa e obisnuit cu manga, de o ia de la sfarsit 

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