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Fiat faceau tractoare f reusite, acuma aud ca fac si bani.

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m-o sunat gordon gecko, a zis sa va linistiti cu crypto


mas + warren buffett

Edited by jeezy

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asa e, am corectat, de bernie madoff era vorba ca a murit la 82 in puscarie

Edited by jeezy

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e ceva film cu deniro pe netflix, il interpreteaza pe madoff

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E prost filmul, e smcher  insa ala in cateva parti, Madoff, cu dreyfuss, dar nu il mai gasesc absolut nicaieri:



10 minutes ago, Dan98 said:

e ceva film cu deniro pe netflix, il interpreteaza pe madoff


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17 hours ago, Simi ON said:

Ce e ala, bre?

Night out with Pedobear | BaronessEast | Flickr

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imi place baiatul asta:



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mda, cred ca o sa-mi bag pula si o sa ma mut pe o insula fara net, mananc ce pot sa cultiv si sa se duca in mortii lor toata generatia asta

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bai fix


incep sa intru in pula mea intr-o depresie de dracu ma mai scoate


in fiecare zi vad numai cretinatati, si nu ma raportez doar la Romania



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Te face sa te-ntrebi cum au bani, cum respira, nu? 

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Si MAS a castigat, dar a si pierdut, dar a castigat altul. 🤷‍♂️

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