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Telefoane, tablete si alte gadget-uri.

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Aifon 4, 4S, 5, 5S la fel, s3, s4 si s5 la fel, nu sunt singurii.

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isi iau salariile degeaba.

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atunci si aia la puscarie.


astia macar au curbat un ecran, lol. ma rog, marginile.

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Iar nu pot sa dorm. Baga mi as ...


Edit: ah, nu e chat aici?

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rain, al meu tocmai ce a implinit 2 ani. In iarna i.am luat Samsung Galaxy Tab Lite la vreo 450 lei si la.cate a suferit e ca noua si acum. Nu lua no name.

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nu as opta neaparat pt noname, mai degraba asus sau lenovo,un coleg are un allview si e f multumit de ea, dar o are de vreo 6 luni cred ...samsung nu ma atrage deloc, am zis ca nu mai  cumpar samsung in veci.

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rain, al meu tocmai ce a implinit 2 ani. In iarna i.am luat Samsung Galaxy Tab Lite la vreo 450 lei si la.cate a suferit e ca noua si acum. Nu lua no name.

La fel si al meu cu fix aceeasi tableta ca a lui KIP. A rezistat eroic, mai ales ca nu o tin cu husa sau alte cacaturi.

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O sa iau in considerare si samsungul, eventual ii fac root si scot rahatul ala de touchwiz.

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(Reuters) - Early adopters of the Apple Watch, Apple Inc's (AAPL.O) first new product in five years, are complaining that a number of its key functions are disrupted by their tattoos.

Owners of Apple Watch - including this reporter, who bought a 42mm version with stainless steel case and black classic buckle for A$1,029 ($822) - have found that their inked skin confuses the sensors on the underside of the device.

Users of the watch, which went on sale last week, took to social media on Thursday under the hashtag #tattoogate to air their frustration with the flaw from Apple's renowned design house.

One anonymous user on Reddit, an entertainment, social networking, and user-generated news website, said the device's locking mechanism, which should disengage when the watch detects it is being worn, failed to work on decorated skin.

"My hand isn't tattooed and the Watch stayed unlocked. Once I put it back on the area that is tattooed with black ink, the watch would automatically lock again," the user wrote.

This Reuters reporter, who has a black tattoo on his left arm, also found that the watch locks on tattooed skin and does not deliver the soft pings that alert a user to incoming messages. The heart rate readings were also significantly different on the tattooed and untattooed wrists.

An Apple support article says the watch uses green LED lights paired with light-sensitive photodiodes to detect the amount of blood flowing through the wrist and calculate the frequency of heart beats.

A website support page from the company says tattoos can interfere with readings from the heart rate monitor, but does not mention interference with other functions.

"Permanent or temporary changes to your skin, such as some tattoos, can also impact heart rate sensor performance. The ink, pattern, and saturation of some tattoos can block light from the sensor, making it difficult to get reliable readings," it said.

A spokesman for Apple in Sydney declined to comment on Thursday, but three Apple employees at its flagship Sydney store, including a senior advisor from its tech support line, said they were unaware of any issue.

"To be honest, you're my first caller about the Apple Watch at all," the senior advisor told Reuters.

The tattoo issue follows a report in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday that some taptic engines, which produce the sensation of being tapped on the wrist, started to break down over time, a flaw that was slowing the rollout of the item.

The report said the problem had been detected in some of the parts supplied by AAC Technologies Holdings Inc (2018.HK), based in Shenzhen, China. Shares in AAC Technologies dropped 8 percent on Thursday morning after the report. The company did not respond to requests for comment.

A Taipei-based technology analyst, who is in regular contact with AAC, said he was not aware of the tattoo problem, but did not expect it would have a significant impact on production.

"We have been hearing suppliers encountering some bottleneck issues for Apple Watch’s production such as problems with its displays, haptics or assembly," he told Reuters, adding that those issues were quite common for new products.

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Spui apple si tragi apa. Astia nu se dezmint, fail la fiecare lansare :))

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Eh...aici ai fost rautacios.

Nu e chiar asa, fail dau toate companiile, indiferent ca se numesc apple, samsung sau bmw.

Inteleg ca nu iti place apple, insa nu ai cum sa spui ca tragi apa. Au produse foarte bune pe care concurenta incearca sa ii ajunga, gen mcbookurile...

Sau si alea sunt fail?

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ma refeream la partea de telefoane etc. La fiecare lansare de aifon au avut probleme, ba cu semnal, ba cu ios, ba cu indoire, ba cu tatuaje ...

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la cate fail-uri dau, si tot is cele mai misto terminale de pe piata. :D  a-ncercat putin htc-ul sa copieze iphone-ul (si aici nu ma refer la design, ci la calitatea executiei/materialelor), da' ala se cheama fail.  am avut un m7, si dupa 1 luna era zgariat aluminiu ala mai ceva ca aluminiu de pe spate de la iphone 1. sa nu mai zic de sticla, ca nu mai vedeam nimic prin ea.


nu am huse la telefoane, ma cac pe ele.



simt nevoia sa mentionez, ca sa nu-i sara mustaru' fratelui rain, dintre panaramele astea cu handroid, htc is cele mai misto (cum arata) :sorcerer:

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@rain - Ok atunci. Insa si aici e discutabil, eu am schimbat 2 ip5 deoarece era o problema de retea in rest nu am avut probleme cu ele. Incepand de la 4 si pana acum, adica 6.

Daca e sa judecam asa, un prieten si-a luat s6 si pana acum l-a schimbat de 3 ori. Probleme de soft.

Acum sta pe un s5.

Edited by claudiusnc

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blue, eu am un m7 acum, nici o zgarietura, am avut un htc desire hd, arata ca dupa razboi carcasa - metal fiind de la cazaruri s-a mai indoit, displayul insa nici un punct macar. calitatea executiei? si cum plm te apuca de par i6 cand vorbesti la el?

claudiu, nu vorbesc de probleme de genul, care apar la orice device, eu spun de chestii la nivel mondial.

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deci cu besitu' ala de m7 am spart parbrizu' la alfa.  l-am pus la ureche sa sun pe cineva, eram grabit si era un tel imprtant, si nu s-a conectat.  cand am luat tel de la ureche, ecranu' stins.  ce plm?  afara era soare, era vara. plm, ma uit mai bine, brightness-ul la minim.  plm, nu merge senzoru pizdii ala de proximitate, si cum l-am dus la ureche, probabil am sa activat task manager-ul ala si am dat cu falca brightness-ul la minim.   dau brightness-ul inapoi la maxim, dau sa sun, ....  telefonu' era pe airplane mode. il trec inapoi pe tel, ma uit mai bine, datele oprite.  pai sa ma vad in el de telefon imbecil, am dat cu el de bord si a sarit direct in parbriz.  in 10 minute eram la un magazin d'asta de cartier cu un 5s nou in mana.   obosit rau htc-ul ala, sorry.


si toate astea s-au intamplac din cauza cacatului ala de senzor de proximitate.

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In 5 zile de cand am Galaxy S6, au aparut 2 update-uri de soft pentru el :)

Eu nu am sesizat inca nici o problema, desi unii se plang pe net ca ar avea niste probleme legate de managementul memoriei. Vinovat este noul Android 5, si Google cica lucreaza la rezolvarea problemelor.


Telefonul arata foarte bine si calitatea executiei este excelenta.

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Telefonul arata foarte bine si calitatea executiei este excelenta.


era si cazu' :)

rain, si sa nu mai zic de m7 mini, care daca se-nfierbanta, rama de plastic se dilata mai tare decat carcasa de aluminiu, si se crapa.. asta fara sa-l scapi pe jos, sau ceva.  lol.

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poate o fi fost din primul lot, care a fost cu probleme, insa eu stiam de probleme la camera, nicidecum la senzorul de proximitate, eu nu am nici un fel de problema cu el :) 

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asa si eu, nu ma înțeleg deloc cu htc ul. Face tot ce zice blue, plus că in silent mode îi vibrează tastatura cand scriu. Păi in morții lui, daca e silent, fa-l dracu silent complet. Nu, doar daca ii dai putin volum se liniștesc vibrațiile. Si da, aluminiul de la m7 mini e de tot cacatul, s a făcut pişat de zgârieturi după maxim 3 luni de purtare. Si să nu aud de huse si bumpere ca ma ia capul. Mor cand văd telefoane îmbrăcate în penare si tocuri, zici că vorbești la poșeta plic.

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deci cu besitu' ala de m7 am spart parbrizu' la alfa.  l-am pus la ureche sa sun pe cineva, eram grabit si era un tel imprtant, si nu s-a conectat.  cand am luat tel de la ureche, ecranu' stins.  ce plm?  afara era soare, era vara. plm, ma uit mai bine, brightness-ul la minim.  plm, nu merge senzoru pizdii ala de proximitate, si cum l-am dus la ureche, probabil am sa activat task manager-ul ala si am dat cu falca brightness-ul la minim.   dau brightness-ul inapoi la maxim, dau sa sun, ....  telefonu' era pe airplane mode. il trec inapoi pe tel, ma uit mai bine, datele oprite.  pai sa ma citesc in el de telefon imbecil, am dat cu el de bord si a sarit direct in parbriz.  in 10 minute eram la un magazin d'asta de cartier cu un 5s nou in mana.   obosit rau htc-ul ala, sorry.


si toate astea s-au intamplac din cauza cacatului ala de senzor de proximitate.


blue s-a ingrasat la fata.

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Lol, is o schijă de 1.80 si 68 de kile :(

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La fel si al meu cu fix aceeasi tableta ca a lui KIP. A rezistat eroic, mai ales ca nu o tin cu husa sau alte cacaturi.



rain, al meu tocmai ce a implinit 2 ani. In iarna i.am luat Samsung Galaxy Tab Lite la vreo 450 lei si la.cate a suferit e ca noua si acum. Nu lua no name.

Am mers pe mana voastra si am comandat tab3 lite, ar fi la oferta cica la emag, 350 ron, sa vedem ce-o fi de capul ei, partea buna e ca daca ma enerveaza toucwiz-ul ii fac root si il zbor, are in schimb bateria mare si display decent, iar asta micu e deja obisnuit cu butonul home de la telefonul sotiei sa isi schimbe singur jocul, deci e ok, mersi de sfaturi :)

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