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hai si artistice

una din zilele ploioase din Bucuresti..






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Care s alea artistice puiule?

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lol sa-mi bag





ce zoom 



The carmaker says it fitted together 70 individual photographs to create the image, using the same technology developed by NASA to make panoramas from photographs beamed back by the Curiosity rover on Mars. The resulting image of the Mulsanne contains 53 billion pixels (that's 53,000 megapixels) and Bentley says that if printed out it would be the same size as a football field.

Edited by Scufi

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da-l dreq, n-are cum sa fie cu zoom optic pe bune, e ceva montaj evident.


ma rog, nu stiu ce vreau sa zic de fapt.

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E despartita in etape asemanator, presupun


I: Zoom optic mare

II: Zoom optic mare

III: Zoom optic mic


Oricum la 53000 megapixeli in 70 fotografii, inseamna peste 700mp pe fotografie. 

Edited by Scufi

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Am crezut ca e fo` poza din joc ceva



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Mas, poti sa ma auzi aici


nici nu vrei sa stii ce zicem de tine pe ceat


Pacat ca nu poti sa te aperi


Da, Rares e de neoprit

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Kiseleff vazut de pe arcul de triumf insa fara "scanteia" pe fundal ( 1938 )


Edited by Krebs

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