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ia sa ne mai lase cu chilotii lui rosii peste pantaloni, sa se duca in fortress of solitude la el acolo, sau valea inapoi la tara la el, pe krypton. ce plm.

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da,batman rulz


intotdeauna am zis ca superman e cam gay

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Tru. Nu am fost fan Superman tocmai din cauza la chiloti.

Ce kkt de erou e ala? Capa si chiloti...este unfashion.

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pe principiul asta, doar mas poate fi superman?

intotdeauna am zis ca superman e cam gay

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Tru. Nu am fost fan Superman tocmai din cauza la chiloti.

Ce kkt de erou e ala? Capa si chiloti...este unfashion.


evident si cine zice ca si batman are capa sa taca acum, ca batman are pelerina aia care este de fapt multifunctionala ca sa poata zbura, este parte din costumul de super erou, parte tehnica, pe cand la superman, capa pulii si chilotii aia rosii sunt alegeri strict de fashion, deci gay si fatalau.


practic un cacat beshit, care la el pe planeta era pielea pulii si n-avea nici o putere, insa din anumite motive, pe pamant are super puteri.


superman este un parvenit si un cocalar. batman este un adevarat super erou.

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Mi-ati amintit de o jucarie cu Batman din metal si cu lumina rosie din centura ce o aveam si i-am rupt un picior nu stiu cum. Apoi, l-am prins cu o banda adeziva rosie, de-l facea sa arate ca are fusta.


N-am mai scos jucaria din casa de atunci. Mare regret.

Edited by Scufi

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da adica plm.si suvita aia pe frunte e total gay





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Merge capa la outfitul ala a lui Batman. Este o chestie obligatorie.

Practic, daca nu avea capa, era doar niste chestii mulate pe corp cu urechi de ceva felina.

Nu mai discut de abordarea multifunctionala descrisa corect de Pole.

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O sa zica vreunul din exterior ca avem ceva retard  :lol:

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Eu sper ca nu ati omis ca si Batman are capa si chiloti...nu-s rosii...dar totusi...

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25 de motive pt care Batman e mai tare decat Superman si case closed.


1. Hes more believable

2. Doesnt have any superpowers whatsoever and still manages to get the job done

3. Stronger willed

4. Cooler costume

5. Batman is fallible in different ways because he has no powers and not just 'kriptonyte'

6. Bruce Wayne=pimp, Clark Kent=nerd (Superman take ages to get a chick, Batman seconds)

7. Batman is smarter

8. A better leader

9. Better looking

10. Batman uses fear as a weapon, whereas when we see Superman, we almost want to laugh.

11. Batman= Dark Knight, Superman=Boyscouteasons why Batman is cooler than Superman.

12. Better movie franchise

13. Better looking

14. Batman has all those cool gadgets.

15. The Car

16. Better fighter

17. Better tactician

18. Gotham is cooler than Metropolis

19. Better Villains

20. Batman is tortured and complex and has a motivation. Superman is too damn good, becuase he decide to be to damn good.

21. Batman: The Animated Series is better that Superman: The Animated Series

22. Batman can beat pretty much anyone, with some prep time, with his mind or fists, Superman has to rely on his powers most of the time.

23. Batman can solve the most difficult of puzzles and can hack into computers with ease, Superman can barely solve the daily crossword puzzle in the newspaper.

24. You can sing his theme song and is epic, NANANANANANANA BATMAN, NANANANANA BAAAATMAAAN, BAAAATMAAAAN, BAAAATMAAAAN, i dont belive you can do that with Superman theme song.


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asta cu batman vs superman e mai tare decat dizal vs benzina :))))

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masina lu' batman ia 4% ca golfu' lu' calin

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Batman e cul la el in oraș, sperman învârte pământul. Lol

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oricum cel mai fraier super erou e spiderman. si cea mai tampita fransiza

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Si filmele alea cu Hulk au fost destul de ok. Ma rog, puteau face mult mai mult din personaj.

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cel mai misto Hulk mi s-a parut ala cu Edward norton. oricum, alt stan lee nu se mai naste a doua oara, super eroii creati de el, vor fi amintiti si peste o suta de ani, sunt sigur de asta.

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Stan lee nu avea si ceva cu uamini? Parca vedeam pe discovery.

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hulk vs batman. 

bre, ai pica pe batman? imi plac amandoi, da' pan'la HULK! :D Pana una'alta, i-o da lui ironcacat in avengers 2 :D


Pole, cel mai mare regret la batman e ca nu joaca super-bale, e gheiul ala de afleck  :puke:

Edited by rain
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