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deci eu vreau sa stiu ce a vazut Simi si i-a placut.

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Corect. Белый тигр a.k.a.White Tiger.

Probabil si Das Boot. (1981)


Asta demonstreaza ca, daca elimini straturile de tesut adipos, Simi e un soldat universal, un supererou old school.

Edited by Bogdan

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Ostrov, de la Versatu :D acu vreo 7-8 ani


Boalelor, huo.

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Bineinteles,mai exista si varianta filmelor sud-koreene.putin mai underground

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si Ostrov ala, ce are asa de special? este pe ezoteric?



edit: ah, e cu rusi


Somewhere in Northern Russia in a small Russian Orthodox monastery lives an unusual man whose bizarre conduct confuses his fellow monks, while others who visit the island believe that the man has the power to heal, exorcise demons and foretell the future.

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pare ceva de genul poltergeist meets buffy the vampire slayer.

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unde mama naibii gasesc sa vad filmul asta online? ca este diseara pe prima tv, insa nu-s acasa sa-l vad si pare misto




ce site-uri am gasit, imi deschid o mie de pagini cu mariri de penis, sa vad ceva in bucuresti, mackeeper, pastile pentru erectii si toate cacaturile.

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da si p-aia am vazut-o

asa, deci daca v-a placut ala de l-am recomandat mai demult, The Invisible Guest (Contratiempo), mai am un spaniolez bun:


El Cuerpo




si urmeaza sa le vad si p-astea, cica sunt foarte bune:






m-am lasat de hollywood bullshit.

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is nașpa? bine tie nu ti-a placut decat Ostrov

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Nu m-au 'prins' filmele spaniole

Incearca amores perros

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high castle, da. Insa mi-ar placea un film pe ideea asta.


bine, mai e nebunia aia Iron sky, trebuie vazut fumat.

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yup, lui Simi sigur nu i-a placut :(

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