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Ovidiu Danci a fost concurent la ''dansez''






ar fi fost bun pentru MAS


ala in rochie albastra


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deci ma uit la Need For Speed, a aparut azi si bluray pe filelist... bai nene, is de 20 de minute in film si imi palpita glanda, parca ma uit la un episod din gossip girl, dar cu baieti, posibil sa fie cel mai prost film al anului.


bai si ce-mi placea de prostu ala in Breaking Bad.

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E jenant.

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deci n-am cuvinte cat de prost e filmul, va rog uitati-va si sa comentam apoi.


pe langa faptul ca se pare, in US nu mai exista politie si nu este nici o problema daca 3 koniegseg sau cum s-o scrie, merg cu 350 la ora pe contransens pe autostrata aglomeradta de pe langa new york, sau daca un proaspat eliberat conditionat dn puscarie, traverseasa mai multe state ca sa ajunga in california, cu un mustang unicat, mergand fireste pe contranses aproape tot drumul, unul dintre cele 3 koeeeniiigzeeeg explodeaza pe autostrada intr-un mega accident la 300 la ora si ce sa vezi, nici unul din cei 50 de martori prezenti la fapta, nu lamureste politia ca erau 3 masini de fapt, asa ca asta intra la parnaie... deci ... mea, nici la jumate nu sunt.


ah am uitat, actorul principal, este ghidat prin traficul aglomerat pe contranses din orasele fara politie, de un nigger dintr-un avion cesna. da.

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Pole, ai varianta las ferbinţi pe pro teve :(

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edit: aha, deci nu a aparut politia juma de film, la ce haos am enumerat mai sus, insa imediat s-au sesizat si au aparut echipaje in 10 secunde, pentru ca asta statea parcat si tura motorul in fata unei cladiri. deci lol in ... mea.

filmul este incredibil, cand crezi ca nu se poate mai penibil de atat, pac iti baga o scena de ramai prost, tocmai a fost faza cu ala de se dezbraca in banca aia... n-am cuvinte.

baaaa, tu esti prost la cap ? deci sare cu masina la 200 la ora gen (nu am inteles cum) peste niste copaci, zboara peste 4 banzi, aterizeaza pe roti la 300 de metri intr-un fel de parc, unde face ditai craterul in pamant si ce sa vezi, nici macar nu se zgarie bara fata... bune masini fac bai americanii, adica ... mea, eu mi-am crapat bara fata anul trecut la 5 la ora intr-un damb de 15 cm.

edit 3: da si e unu care pana acum a furat 2 elicoptere si 2 avioane, iar unul dintre elicoptere era al unui pot de televiziune, dar nu-i problema ca nu se prinde nimeni.

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edit 4: ah nuu, nu faza cu lantul legat de puntea spate a unei masini de politie in benzinarie... ba da, i-a smuls puntea spate cu roti cu tot. da, foarte original.

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lol, numai in ambitie te uiti :))


Eu zic sa ascundem comentariile si sa il recomandam lui WLF.

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Bogdan, Fast and Furious, este efectiv capodopera de oscar pe langa gherla asta, deci tre sa il vezi neaparat.

nu pot, trebuie sa vad pana la capat, e prea idiot.

nu imi vne sa cred ca nu e la misto.

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lol, deci cum ziceam... tocmai a furat ala al 3-lea elicopter, de data asta unul militar, din aa verde pe care scrie US Army.

a si imginat-va scenele pe care vi le-am descris mai sus pe o muzica din anii 80, genul care era in Top Gun sau Rocky 1

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Imaginați va ca am un prieten căruia i a plăcut la nebunie filmul ăsta. Nu degeaba e virgin la 27 de ani

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Mno, acum e partea de amor a povestii. Vai de plm, trebuie vazut musai. Gunoiul asta o sa faca istorie.

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tineretul american e atat de alienat incat pun pariu ca va fi un succes


sa nu uitam ca in america wrestlingul aduce zeci de mii de oameni in fiecare weekend pe stadioane


a,ca sa nu mai mentionez concursuri gen monster truck sau idiotii aia care isi iau avant si intra kamikaze cu masina in rable puse stiva


e emisiunea pe history daca sunt amatori

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Bine, amsinile sunt fara sa-mi bag picioarele si filmate fain cursele, ma mir ca au spart atatia bani sa faca praf frumusetile astea, banuiesc totusi ca au distrus replici.






1. 1966 Pontiac GTO


Engine: Tri-power V-8

Horsepower: 360 HP

0-60 MPH: 6.5 seconds

Top Speed: 114 MPH

The only way to get a GTO before 1965 was to upgrade the Pontiac Tempest or LeMans, but due to the popularity of that particular model, Pontiac gave the “Goat†its very own series in 1966 - and it exploded onto the market. The GTO is the quintessential American muscle car and even straight from the factory is a brutish beast off the light.


2. 1969 Ford Gran Torino


Engine: 428 cubic inch FE V-8

Horsepower: 335 HP

0-60 MPH: 5.7 seconds

Top Speed: 120 MPH

Before it was the title of an award-winning movie starring Clint Eastwood, the Gran Torino was a one of Ford’s most popular muscle cars – they produced over 300,000 units. Like most vehicles, there were several variations of the model, ranging from stock to premium, but each of them was fun and loud to drive.


3. 2013 Shelby GT500


Engine: 5.8 Liter V-8

Horsepower: 620 HP

0-60 MPH: 3.6 seconds

Top Speed: 190 MPH

Carroll Shelby was a legendary American car racer in the late 1950s, but his true skill shined as a gifted car designer who created some of the best performance-based American cars beginning in the mid-’60s. He continued to design until the day he passed away in 2012. In fact, he had been working on the 50th anniversary edition of the Ford Mustang when he died. His car designs are as beautiful as they are powerful and factory stock versions of his cars will blow the doors off most of the competition.


4. 2015 Ford Mustang GT


Engine: 5.0 Liter Coyote V-8

Horsepower: 420 HP

0-60 MPH: Not Released

Top Speed: 155 MPH

Ford’s next version of their classic – and most popular – muscle car, the Mustang (it’s been seen or referenced over 3,000 times in movies, TV shows and songs since its 1964 debut in Goldfinger) wasn’t even available on the market while Need for Speed was filming, but that doesn’t stop Aaron Paul’s character from getting behind the wheel. Ford calls the sleek redesign the “World’s Mustang†and it’s available in three versions – Base 3.6 Liter V-6, EcoBoost 2.3 Liter 4 cylinder and GT 5.0 Liter V-8.


5. Saleen S7


Engine: Ford 427 7.0 Liter V-8

Horsepower: 550 HP

0-60 MPH: 3.1 seconds

Top Speed: 199 MPH

As the completely hand-made, American-built Saleen S7 proves, not every supercar has to be of the exotic European variety. The stats above are for the 2000-2004 models, but in 2005 Saleen introduced a Twin Turbo variation that packed a walloping 750 HP and a top speed of 248 MPH. It’s unclear which version was used in the movie, but either way, with a price tag of over $400,000, chances are a low-cost replica was put in front of the camera.


6. Lamborghini Sesto Elemento


Engine: Mid-mounted 5.2 Liter V10

Horsepower: 570 HP

0-60 MPH: 2.4 seconds

Top Speed: 186 MPH

Italian supercar maker Lamborghini pretty much outdid themselves with the introduction of the blazingly fast and extremely sick Sesto Elemento in 2011. The car has only gotten better – and more expensive – over the last three years and sports a wallet-draining $2.2 million price tag. The name of the car is a reference to the sixth element on the period table – carbon – which comprises most of its chassis in the form of carbon fiber.


7. McLaren P1


Engine: McLaren M838TQ twin-turbo 3.8 Liter V8

Horsepower: 903 HP

0-60 MPH: 2.8 seconds

Top Speed: 217 MPH

British supercar manufacturer McLaren Automotive has been churning out high performance, high concept vehicles since the early 1990s, none more impressive than the McLaren F1…until now. The McLaren P1 can be driven up to 6 miles solely on its 324-cell lithium-ion batteries, so it’s not exactly built for a cross-country trek – good thing it also runs on good old-fashioned gasoline. The hybrid P1 supercar would be in every hipster, Earth-conscious, gear head’s garage if it weren’t for the $1.2 million price tag – assuming they could find one of the only 325 cars built up for sale.


8. GTA Spano


Engine: Mid-mounted 8.3 Liter V-10

Horsepower:  900 HP

0-60 MPH: 2.9 seconds

Top Speed: 217 MPH

The GTA Spano is a Spanish supercar that first made a splash as a concept car in 2011 at the Geneva Motor Show. Parent company Spania GTA unveiled the limited edition GTA Spano seen in the movie at the 2013 Geneva Motor Show, but only 99 were built. Word has it they’re working on an even more limited edition version boasting a mind-thumping 1200 horsepower. It wouldn’t be a surprise to see that version show up in Need for Speed 2 (assuming it happens).


9. Bugatti Veyron Super Sport


Engine: 8.0 Liter Quad-Turbocharged W-16

Horsepower: 1200 HP

0-60 MPH: 2.46 seconds

Top Speed: 268 MPH

The ultra-fast, ultra-sleek, ultra-expensive (retail is $2.4 million) Bugatti Veyron Super Sport is by far the baddest mother in this movie and it held the world record for fast production car to prove it. Everything about this Volkswagen-made super car is ridiculously awesome –  and expensive, right down to the $42,000 tires (which have to be replaced every 10,000 miles), the $69,000 rims (which have to be replaced every 30,000 miles) and the 26 gallon gas tank which would be running on fumes after 10 minutes at top speed. Unless you’re an oil tycoon, prince of a country, or a Powerball winner, the only way you’re driving one of these is with a game controller. Besides, getting insurance for it would be crazy difficult. We wonder if Jake from State Farm would give us a quote?


10. Koenigsegg Agera – Standard


Engine: 5.0 Liter Twin-Turbocharged V-8

Horsepower: 940 HP

0-60 MPH: 3.1 seconds 

Top Speed: 260 MPH

Swedish company Koenigsegg produces some of the finest, most innovative, and most sought after supercars in the world. The body is made of color pre-impregnated carbon fiber, the engine is made of aluminum and the gas tanks are built into the chassis allowing for better weight distribution. Be prepared to pay for all that innovation, though, as the cost of an Agera will set you back close to $2 Million.


11. Koenigsegg Agera R


Engine: 5.0 Liter Twin-Turbocharged V-8 Biofuel

Horsepower: 1140 HP

0-60 MPH: 2.9 seconds

Top Speed: 273 MPH (Theoretical)

Just like the McLaren P1, Koenigsegg took the Agera to a whole different environmentally-friendly level by giving the R version the ability to run solely on biofuel (E85 ethanol). The car performs better on E85 than it does on standard gasoline, but if you’re able to afford the price tag on one of these $2 million cars, then saving money on gas probably isn’t your first concern.


12. Koenigsegg Agera S


Engine: 5.0 Liter Twin-Turbocharged V-8

Horsepower: 1030 HP

0-60 MPH: 2.8 seconds

Top Speed: 273 MPH (Theoretical)


13. Ferrari 458 Italia (Chase Car)

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nimeni nu distruge ce e in lista aia. hai ca or fi mustangurile alea mai amarate, da' ce-i la urma...


uita-te la asta, e oricum mai interesant decat filmul, are legatura cu ce ai intrebat si ca timp e doar putin peste un minut :)







te-a schimbat filmul ala? ca om ma refer :P

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mclaren p1 e o bijuterie de racheta






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gata, s-a terminat nenorocirea, acum spamez pe toate torentele din univers ce mizerie purulenta de film e. desi sincer, trebuie vazut, doar ca sa aveti benchmark pentru alte filme proaste.


cum spuneam, filmul asta face Fast & Furius, sa straluceasca precum un homar printre shaorme.

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